Year: 2003
UK WCG in the news
Ghôlsbane points out that the UK World Cyber Games ended this past weekend; there are some photos on the iGames UK site. Even Halo PC made an appearance… and the whole shebang was mentioned by BBC Online. Go take a look!
BG and Sidewinder stunts
Zowsky & Kabuki have put together 4 movies showing some multiplayer stunts in Blood Gulch and Sidewinder; we’re not hosting these, so we aren’t bothered by the fact that all of this has been shown before. Grab what’s of interest to you:Clipping – Getting into BG wallsSWOut – getting out of SidewinderSideScrolling – Ghost jumping…
Gamers Depot looks at Halo PC
Another Halo PC preview over at Gamers Depot – again, it’s single-player only (Beta 1.5 had only LAN networking), but they took a few nice screenshots. Thanks to Nick Danger for the heads-up.
The Longest Short
A few weeks ago, we mentioned a CGI Halo movie being worked on by Mic Fedusenko. He’s popped back into our forum with word of another few screenshots of his progress. Check ’em out!
Doing the Right Thing
For what it’s worth: Yes, we know that an older beta of Halo PC has been leaked. (Yes, Gearbox knows it as well; each build was individually numbered, so tracking down the leak shouldn’t be too difficult.) We’re not going to point you to web links for the download, or tolerate posting of such on…
To Speak, or not to Speak…
37 new dialogue snippets added to the Dialogue Databank today; 30 from Captain Spark, 7 from Electric Monk. Two new categories: Jackal and Hunter. There’s no really good way to identify the Jackal snippets… so they’re simply numbered. Again – all of these were collected in-game, no hacking. (We’re not accepting sounds collected via hacking,…
The Other Warthog.
Do Halo fans get annoyed when other games begin to look like Halo? One One Se7en’s MC does…
Don’t seem so lonely to me…
Hehe – Gearbox’s Projects page lists a total of… one remaining work item for Halo PC. I wonder what it could be (and how long it’ll take them to clear it)? Look for the game to go Gold pretty soon now…
FiringSquad looks at SP Halo PC
Halo PC Preview at FiringSquad. It’s a look at Single-player only, and brings up several points that have been addressed on various messageboards by Bungie and Gearbox employees (so don’t bother sending us outraged emails about how this or that problem is already fixed – we know)… but it’s a view from a PC FPS…
Hey, we were playing the other night and…
For the longest time, the Guardians have baffled players – where do these mysterious killers come from? Stuntmutt looks at the issue in today’s One One Se7en.
FTC 7 – now in QuickTime
Earlier today, we listed links for DivX-encoded versions of FTC’s latest vid (number 7). We’ve gotten the okay from FTC to offer you a QuickTime version, as well. This one is 480×312, 12.5 mb, and is available from Mirrors are welcome (though they probably won’t be posted before tonight).
Massive Halo movie now available from Gamespy
A couple of weeks ago, we mentioned a large video showing multiplayer action at Gamespy – but noted that it was subscriber-only at the time. It’s since been made public – you can grab it from a number of public servers. It’s a 144 mb QuickTime movie (141 mb zipped) showing 4 minutes of gameplay…
The Halo Timeline – official again
Whoa – I’ve got no idea when this was (re)posted… but the Halo Storyline, originally posted on the now-defunct Flash Halo site, has RESURFACED at (It was orginally posted in mid-September 2001 – in a hidden format. Once a Bungie fan found it, it was yanked. It reappeared – in an altered format…
Flag Capture, Battle Creek
Saltine sent in a link to a nice flag capture on Battle Creek; you can download it from his site here. (4.7 mb, WMP7 format.) He asks that comments be posted on his Clan page, Halo ThugZ.
Writing: it does a body good.
9 Fan Fiction pieces for you today: Earth, A Place for Death. Part 7: Lifting off, by FuManChu MJOLNIR MARK V, by Mainevent The Ghosts:Project Ghost(Chapter 1), by Sergeant B Assualt of Plaza 13, by The Scribe The Fight for Bravo Base; pt. 1, by ONI_operative_343 Homeworlds V, by Mainevent Arcnine, by Master_Chief189 Soldiers Diary:…
Ladder Reloading
Tyler Jennings compares shooters in today’s Guest One One Se7en. The collection grows…
Walking… on a different path
Surrept, inspired by Marty O’Donnell’s ‘A Walk in the Woods’ (a track you can find on the Official Halo Soundtrack), has begun work on a remake. It’s not finished yet – but he’s happy to put out the preliminary work (817K, 0:52, mp3 format) for feedback. Comments can be added to this forum thread.
There’s more than one way to skin an MC.
Taking to heart the suggestion that some of the skins submitted might not be of maximum use in the field, Dogsounds has created 4 more skins for the MC, this time all camouflage variants. You can find descriptions of each outfit on our forum… or visit the Variants page for the full collection. (Links to…
Our December
essex put some AotCR gameplay together with some music… and the end result is a 24 mb download in QT format. Grab it from FilePlanet, then comment here.
That must have taken a while.
Ever wondered what the maximum range of… well, whatever is? Check this out.