Year: 2003
Norwegian Halo Championship
K-Man points out a site allowing signups for a 2v2 double elimination tournament in Oslo, Norway, on October 18th. Entrance is free. Signups have to happen before October 1. If you’re in or near Oslo (or plan to be on October 18)… check it out!
Mood music to kill jackals by
A few days ago, surrept submitted an early version of a remake of ‘A Walk in the Woods’. He’s now finished it. 4:18, 3.9 mb, mp3 format; I love it. Give it a listen! (Comments can be added to this forum thread.)
Huge Halo 2 tourney in the works
Wow, THIS is confidence. SaNd TrOoPeR, of, stopped by our forum last night to announce a Halo 2 tournament scheduled for next summer. Top prize is planned at $25,000, and they’re hoping for 1500-2000 players. Wonga. Check their Halo 2 Championship page for details.
The man’s insane. Yes, insane.
Whoa. BOLL has put a minimalist (but quite functional) face on his rather enormous collection of Halo material; some of this stuff is housed here at HBO, some of it is not. (I’m going to have to go through and figure out what we’ve got and what we don’t and yank the good stuff; that’s…
He’s Here All Week.
Does the MC have a shot at a second career, if this killing Covenant thing doesn’t work out? Maybe… but today’s One One Se7en points out that it’s probably not gonna be comedy.
Is it Memorex?
Doggone has put the MC action figure… into the action. Check out this forum post with a couple of screenshots, modified. (We’ve got a few other ‘things people do with action figures’ in the queue – I wonder if we have to set up a new section?)
Animate… THIS.
Wanna be a game animator? John Butkus, aka anim8rJB, has written a nice little article on what will help… and what will not. Check it out on
GT Halo
(GT)Juggler has posted a 3:49, 18 mb movie (QT format, hosting by Blackstar Productions) which you can find linked on his Halo Page. Combination of multiplayer hijinx and single play tricks; most have been done before, but they’ve been put together pretty nicely. Check it out! (Comments can go in this forum thread.)
New Zealand site looks at Halo PC
Another Halo Preview – this time it’s over at RadiativeNZ. Short, and with a few minor errors – but a nice job on the 16 screenshots, showing vehicles and weapons. Thanks to AlStrong on our forum for pointing it out.
MonsterChief makes you scream in a Grunt bowl…
Wow. It’s been a LONG time (two full weeks) since we updated the Miscellaneous Art section. There are 6 entries today. Check ’em ALL out. (And forgive me the huge lag in posting…)
Blinded Witness Films
Blinded Witness has put up a few movies – most are hosted by Fileplanet, but the links can all be found on the Blinded Witness site. Take a look!
macteens interviews Westlake
Whoa. First words from anyone at Westlake in a LOONG time. macteens interviewed Phil Sulak, President of Westlake, recently, and the results are up on their website. Really short recap: reasonable minimum specs, no tools (bummer!), macs and pcs will be able to play together. Read all the details over at macteens! Thanks to Ramius…
Older maps, newer weapons
Very nice new screen over at Gearbox’s Projects page – The MC with a flamethrower, on Boarding Action. Burn, baby…
Takin’ over the world…
Once again, 14 stories for you in the Fan Fiction section: Chapter Three: Rise of the Phoenix, by Blue Jaguar A Series of Wierd Events, Part Five, by Hunter_Killer THe Adventures of Lt. Jake, Part Five, by Hunter_Killer The Ghosts:Project Ghost(Chapter 2), by Sergeant B ES03 – Eternal Sunder (part 03): Queen of the Neeps,…
One step forward, two steps back
In a first since the countdown was instituted, the Remaining Items list has CLIMBED on Gearbox’s Projects page (from 1 to 2). This also happened at an unusual time of day; normally, the count is updated at midnight, Central time… but this happened before 7 pm. No word from Gearbox on what’s going on… Update:…
Halo Mac upgraded to Alpha
ViolentlyHappy noticed that Westlake has updated its project status page; Halo Mac is now at Alpha. (This isn’t really as dire as it might be if the port were being done entirely by Westlake; it will move along much faster than a normal port because much of the work porting the Xbox code has already…
Another nugget of info about the third Halo novel, ‘Halo: First Strike’, from Eric Trautmann, our favorite Halo Bible expert. Being added here so that when people jump onto our forum in two months and say “What do we know about the next Halo novel?”, folks can point to this news post.
Preparing for Halo PC Filmz
One last offsite vid for you: Dinky, of HaloJuggaloProductions, has put up a large (31 mb, DivX-encoded AVI) movie showing how to get video footage from your PC onto a DV camera. If that sounds like a lot to download for something you could explain in, say, a text-based FAQ… check out botman’s suggestion for…
The vid parade
More vids – this time from halo_playa. You can find his list of offerings on his website, Nick’s Halo Site.