My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • Schmogblast Revisited.

    Do you miss Frogblast? I do. Stuntmutt keeps him alive in our memories, though, with today’s One One Se7en. Rock on.

  • Can you hear what I’m thinking?

    Red vs Blue Episode 18 is now up for sponsors. (Yes, that means the rest of you are gonna hear about something you won’t be able to download before Sunday. Deal with it.) Caboose is going for the record of Stupidest Human With Muscle Control… he’s got a good shot at it. Funny stuff.

  • Official UK Halo site – with a date?

    Interesting – did someone jump the gun, or is this just another instance of not enough information? Stuntmutt points out a new Microsoft site in the UK, advertising Halo PC… and it’s got, emblazoned across the top in bright letters, ‘Available 10 October 2003’. Is this the official date Gearbox said they’ll announce in 1-4…

  • Halo PC – coming real soon

    Want to know where Halo PC stands at the moment? Read the word from Randy Pitchford, President of Gearbox, on his own forum. Thanks to Nightshade for pointing it out. Update: It looks like Gearbox’s MySQL server barfed; the link is pretty useless for the time being. If you get a page with a bunch…

  • Previews out the yin-yang.

    Massive Halo PC coverage: Gamers Hell has a preview and 33 new screenshots, GameGossip has a preview (contains 5 screens), and Game Over has a preview (12 screens, but several are taken from the Firing Squad preview last week). Of the three, I’d have to say that the Game Gossip piece has the most meat……

  • Put your head between your legs…

    And the egg parade continues. Just when you thought there were no more eggs to be found in Halo… c0ld vengeance turned up one under the pilot’s seat in the lifepod. Check this forum thread for details.

  • Play Halo, support the arts

    A Halo benefit tourney will be taking place in Los Angeles on September 24, to raise money for a local theater group’s production of A Clockwork Orange. It’s $10 to get in, and there’s an 18 and older age limit. Check out the details in this forum post!

  • Okay, I want one.

    Funky – there’s a yellow warthog showing on the Bungie webcam at the moment. (If it’s gone by the time you read it, you can see a saved picture here.) Whether this is a customized hog (a standard Joyride hog, repainted by a Bungie employee), or a future offering from Joyride, is unknown at this…

  • Action figures to win at TXB

    TeamXbox is giving away a pair of Halo action figures – MC and Cortana – to the winner of a drawing to be held soon. To enter the drawing, simply sign up for TXB’s newsletter. Thanks to Nick Danger for the heads-up.

  • Mac Halo FAQ online at

    Narcogen, over at, has drawn from a number of sources (including our own recent interview with Peter Tamte) to create a Mac Halo FAQ. Worth keeping track of…

  • Is it me, or is it hot in here?

    Today’s One One Se7en guest strip comes from Germain Couët, normally known around these parts for his Miscellaneous Art and Wallpaper submissions. What’s the difference between the Halo, Halo 2, and Halo PC MCs? Hmm…

  • The count’s off.

    What? Only 13 Fan Fiction stories today? Someone forgot to submit one… Attack on ERISTOCK Part 3-The Waking, by xitWOUND117 Better Off Dead Part 2 The Siege, by I_Love_You_Bungie The Story of Hitomi: Part One, by Kaboose The Prelude to the New Mission, by Dark Prism Outmatched, by chevan Session 01: Ground Funk, by Vi3tl3l3oi…

  • Go Figure.

    GamePro has written up an article on the Halo action figures. Thanks to KP for pointing it out.

  • WSD Clan Movie – Frantic BG Gameplay

    A few days ago, [WSD]-Porsj popped into our forum to point out a pretty big gameplay movie his clan had posted. Skill level of the contestants is quite good, and so is editing. The movie, titled ‘Who? [BBE]Hanneshamlap’, weighs in at 46.4 mb, and is in WMV7 format. (There’s a QuickTime version available now, too,…

  • Exclusive – Peter Tamte talks about Mac Halo

    With the PC version of Halo so close to completion, eyes are beginning to turn to Westlake and MacSoft (and Destineer, MacSoft’s parent company) for information about the Mac version. We had a chance to ask a few questions of Peter Tamte, president of Destineer… his enthusiasm should make Mac users everywhere drool. Go read…

  • MC – again

    The Master Chief action figure is once again available for preorder at the Bungie Store – if you can’t find one locally, go reserve one from Bungie! Thanks to SketchFactor for the heads-up.

  • More Halo PC screens at GameKult

    GameKult has put up twenty screenshots of Halo (though the last 7 are just re-released pics from the Gearbox and Microsoft sites). These are all from Beta 1.5, though this time there are some multiplayer shots. Thanks to Xavier De Coster for the heads-up.

  • MLG tourney in NYC

    Halo on this side of the pond: Major League Gaming is hosting a tournament next month in New York City (October 25th and 26th). Entrance fee is $50 (this gets you in to both the Halo and Madden events, if you want), guaranteed minimum of $10,000 in prizes. What are you waiting for? Register today.…

  • Solicitation of Questions: Halo PC Development

    SketchFactor is putting together a nice big ‘update’ on Halo PC as development draws to a close. He’s going to interview Michel Bastien, Bungie’s Halo PC Producer (not to be confused with Marc Tardif, Gearbox’s Halo PC Producer)… and he’s asking for questions. Burning for an answer about the development process? Jump into this forum…

  • AV looks at Halo PC

    Adrenaline Vault has an interview with Randy Pitchford up; it’s focused on team play, requirements, and new features of Halo PC. 21 screenshots (all single player, from Beta 1.5). Thanks to Madscientist for the heads-up.