My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • Halo PC Tools shots – finally

    Back in August, a number of fans headed down to Gearbox’s offices in Texas to get a look at Halo PC. While we were there, Dave Mertz, lead designer, took a few shots of the various tools used to build levels – 3dsmax, and Bungie’s homegrown Sapien and Guerilla. We were asked, however, not to…

  • Previews, previews – everybody’s a critic

    Whoa – I’m slipping. Blue’s News posted news on another new Halo preview on Monday – but I didn’t see it until today, when I noticed it on’s front page. says it’s good for PC gamers who never played the Xbox solo campaign, and folks who want the multiplayer rush. We’d agree. (5…

  • What Goes Up…

    Wednesday, Stuntmutt looked at the importance of understanding your weapon in his One One Se7en strip. Today, he looks at the other side of that issue – collateral damage.

  • The Junkyard gives away schwag

    Eep! Forgot to mention this a few days ago… but on Tuesday, the Junkyard announced its winner of the long-running ‘Guess the Release Date’ contest (first announced back on July 29, 2002). Congratulations to CheeseChick for picking September 15, 2003 as the date Halo PC went gold. TankRamp (of Battleground: Halo) and LegacyX4 pulled in…

  • X03 transcript posted at IGN

    While the actual X03 video presentation hasn’t (yet) found it’s way onto the net, IGN HAS put up a transcript of the video, including a page’s worth of Bungie employees discussing what was learned from Halo 1. Thanks to Neo Alucard X for pointing it out.

  • Has Waldo seen it yet?

    Looks like the Gearbox forum community has gotten into the swing of Gearbox’s own game. Check the Gearbox Projects page (drop to the bottom to see some OTHER places that disc has been)… then visit this thread. Fun.

  • Pete Parsons talks to CVG

    Computer and Video Games interviewed Pete Parsons about Halo 2. He was pretty evasive about whether Halo 2 would ever come to the PC – in fact, he was pretty evasive about everything. Bungie’s back to their old style, it seems. (And that’s not a bad thing.) He DID mention that folks at X03 got…

  • Please leave a beep at the message.

    Hehe – bourwa points out that the Red vs Blue crew have created a few quick answering machine messages (Sarge, Donut, Church, and Caboose) that can be used if you’re REALLY a die-hard RvB fan. (If you’re not… or your callers aren’t… these won’t make a lot of sense.) They’re not listed anywhere except in…

  • BGH: New and Improved!

    Wonga. Battleground: Halo has updated their design… and massively upgraded their content. Check out the site – visit this page for a list of what’s new (it’s too long to post here), poke your head into the linen closets. They’ve painted EVERYTHING. (I did find some unfinished grouting in a third-floor bathroom… but I’m guessing…

  • Clan news

    Couple of clan-related items… Viper writes to say that the 67th Raptors (mentioned a couple of times back in May) had some problems due to the Blaster worm, and lost all their members. They’re back online, and old members should get in touch. Also, stan writes to point out that the Rabid Lilliputians are now…

  • Top 10, Baby! Oh, wait…

    Hehe – Gamespy has been running a ‘Top 25 Most Overrated Games’ feature… and Halo made #10. They felt there were too many problems for it to have received so many near-perfect ratings; they wonder what these reviewers are going to do with Halo PC and Halo 2. Interesting read. They’re consistent, at least; they…

  • PC Strategy Guide – complete!

    Doug Radcliffe, author of Sybex’s Official Strategy Guide for halo PC, stopped by our forum with some pretty cool info about what’s included. Look for this guide in the next couple of weeks in a store near you!

  • This thing will shock and awe you.

    Xbox Ottawa has put out FTC8, a sequel to FTC5. There’s a low-res version up on their website now, and for a $5 donation, you can become a lifetime member, which gives you access to hi-res versions of their films. For the public, there are links to a DivX-encoded AVI version (both direct download and…

  • XO3 content – coming, someday?

    Interesting. Apparently, there was a video shown at X03 in France this week that was a bit more than the E3 demo – but there aren’t any final plans for releasing it. (That’s different from there being NO plans to release it. 😉 ) Thanks to Neo Alucard X for pointing out the link.

  • Nice timing.

    [NBA]J0rd4n (man, whatever happened to letters?) stopped by our forum to point out a movie he and his friend, byt3-ra1d, made. It shows some pretty amazing timing; a single-player escape from Blood Gulch in a warthog, aided by a perfectly placed grenade toss. The vid is only 1.6 mb, but has been compressed with XVID.…

  • Gullible Little Scamps…

    Iceman1330 looks at weapons modifications in a hacked Xbox in today’s Guest One One Se7en. (This was posted on our forum some time ago; it’s just now coming into the release rotation here.)

  • Strings.

    SilverBrin**** has submitted another impressive piece of Fan music; this one’s called ‘Mombasa’, and it weighs in at a hefty 7.4 mb. (It’s just over 4 minutes long.) Here’s what SB has to say about it:      Ever since seeing the Halo 2 demo played at E3 and watching videos of it, I have been taken with…

  • The words don’t stop.

    15 stories in the Fan Fiction section today… Before The Probe, by Master_Chief189 Retaliation: Chapter One, by Blue Jaguar Attack on ERISTOCK-Part 4: Core, by xitWOUND117 Halo 2:Warfront Chapter 2, by Adlin Yusman Yusoff Derailed Part 4, by Dispraiser Halo Sonnet, by Gre’Thor117 The Adventures of Alpha Squad, One, by Hunter_Killer Drowning In Sorrow -…

  • The Bungie Fanfest Documentary

    Last May, Bungie held a massive Fanfest during E3, in Los Angeles… and Mr Smiley was there with a video camera to capture all the fun. Back in late June, we mentioned part 0 – the intro. Well, there were a few snags in production – but things are back on track, and now parts…

  • QA just got more dangerous.

    Now they’re just messing with your head.