My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • A much better X03 transcript

    Noctarus, of the Battleground: Halo forums, has written up a full transcript of the X03 video that’s been the talk of the Halo community for a couple of days now. This is a much more complete and accurate transcript than the one IGN put up on Friday – absolutely worth a read, if you either…

  • And Wait ‘Til You Hear How Much He Charges.

    One One Se7en looks at a tidbit that appeared due to modding not too long ago. I personally think it’s a nasty shot – but that might be because I have an engineering degree (of sorts).

  • While we were sleeping…

    MaverickJ dropped us a note to point out that Project Spartan, a popular site with lots of cool tricks vids, is coming back. Details will be available at the above web address as soon as they’re known.

  • Fan Fiction Update

    18 Fan Fiction pieces, and a bit of bad news: you may have noticed that HBO was offline for a bit over 4 hours this evening. This was partly due to some rather unpleasant people out there, and partly due to my own carelessness. With some help from the datacenter, we got back up and…

  • Watch Out For Falling Rocks.

    Well, normally Sundays are reserved for Sunday One One Se7ens from Stuntmutt, or are left open… but there are a LOT of queued Guest strips, and no official one for today, so what the heck.This one’s another Iceman1330 strip – and it looks at the dangers of modding.

  • His LOTIONS ?

    Red vs Blue is suing… everybody. Well, everybody who ever visited the Red vs Blue website. It’s all on behalf of their literally dozens of fans around the world. You can get the details from the Red vs Blue PSA #5, currently available on the Sponsors forum (but likely to the rest of the actionable…

  • Microsoft posts official system requirements for Halo PC

    Now this is just bizarre. Microsoft has their official Halo PC website – but they ALSO have an overview page on the same server… with unique information. Specifically, the overview page contains an official system requirements section that the Official website doesn’t have. OS can go as low as Windows 98SE. CD-ROM drive can go…

  • X03 video madness

    More on the 7-minute Halo segment from X03; as we mentioned recently, there are a couple of locations for the DivX version (the original source,, and a UK mirror). This versions weighs in at 50.7 mb. Blackstar has converted it to QuickTime (obviating the need for me to do it 🙂 ) – and…

  • Halo Vice

    Rico has submitted an introduction sequence for an upcoming video project entitled ‘Halo Vice’ – in his words:Originally I just wanted to use the footage to better understand my new editing system, but after suggestions from several friends and input from members of the RHOH chapter at I have decided to create a series…

  • Now THEM’s some pretty pictures.

    The Wallpaper section, also languishing for far too long, gets a massive infusion today; 18 new desktops, some of which absolutely ROCK. They’re all worth looking at… but if I had to pick my favorite 3 of the lot, they’d be this one, this one, and this one. (That last one is amazing… and no…

  • Xboxyde posts 16 seconds of X03 Halo 2 footage

    Draikin points out a small (1.9 mb) divx-encoded AVI showing some of the Halo 2 footage from X03. (There’s no sound, and it’s 16 seconds of shakeycam footage, but you can see some cool stuff nonetheless.) He found it at Xboxyde. Update: There’s a much bigger version available now; it’s the full 7 minute section…

  • Halo 2: The Fallen

    Another languishing piece of artwork – an entry for the Halo 2 cover art collection, from Snyper.

  • Banners, too.

    Four new banners have been added to the Banners section. A couple of them have been in the queue for almost 3 weeks. I’m really sorry.

  • Pictures – building for a while

    It’s been far too long since we’ve cleared out the artwork queues – sorry. The Miscellaneous Art submissions recently include some cool sketches, a pair of Magic Eye pieces, and more. Check ’em out!

  • Saturday Stories

    Once again, it’s 14 stories for the Fan Fiction section… Spartans meet their match, by Robert Reclaim Me . . . [H&R 7], by Jillybean Sparked and Guilty [H&R 8], by Jillybean I Fight For You [H&R 9], by Jillybean Stranded at Home Final Part, by Dispraiser The Virus Part 11 (Finale) , by monitor101…

  • 343 Annoying Spark.

    Oh, heck, as long as we’re doing comics… today’s Guest One One Se7en was turned in by Geeoff – and don’t tell me you never tried that. Too bad it doesn’t work…

  • Rivalry. has put up comic #9 – I’m pretty sure the baby MC isn’t supposed to talk that way. What are kids coming to these days, anyway? (Great facial expressions on Sarge.) There’s also a new desktop (you have to register on their forum for access). Check ’em out!

  • Benefit tourney prizes announced

    A week ago, we mentioned a benefit tournament that will take place in LA on the 24th (this coming Wednesday). Shrike came back today to report that prizes have been announced. Man, I want to enter, just so I can lose really bad and win the Mary Jane journal! Check it out.

  • The Silent Cartographers

    Over at Subnova, there’s a quiet, unassuming little note with a title reading ‘The Silent Cartographers’. Turns out, this is an announcement of a new Halo PC mapmaking group, made up of Subnova members (which means Bungie old-schoolers). They’re not currently accepting applications (though they will be next month), and the website has no info…

  • Shishka’s Halo PC FAQ updated

    Shishka has updated his HaloPC Pre-Release FAQ to version 3.0 – he swears this is the last one. (Since Halo is only Pre-Release for another 11 days or so, that seems like a safe bet.) Definitely worth a read, if you have questions about the PC version.