My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • SparkEdit to go public

    Grenadiac points out that SparkEdit, his Halo map viewer (Xbox only at the moment) will be available to the public as of tomorrow. Check out more details at! (Note: this is useless to you without a modded Xbox. Please don’t mail us asking how to mod your Xbox. Thanks.)

  • Haunted By A Ghost.

    Today’s Guest One One Se7en comes from Adrenaline… another warning about modded netplay. I hate it when that happens…

  • Gamers Pulse looks at Halo PC

    Gamers Pulse has put up a Halo PC preview – they, like most reviewers, are looking forward to it. Thanks to Blue’s news, by way of Narcogen at

  • Halo2World goes live

    TARS writes to point out Halo2World, a new Halo 2 site. It’s mostly a forum… but there are a few other sections, and room for growth. Check it out!

  • Thursday Themes

    8 Fan Fiction pieces? 8? Somone submitted an extra without permission! Halo: The MCconto Chronicles Part 9 and 10, by JCDenton Halo’s Ballad, by Gasmask The Gunback’s Part 1, by Anrew Harrison Retaliation: Chapter Three, by Blue Jaguar A Series of Wierd Events, Part Nine, by Hunter_Killer The Death of Earth:Guilt of a Spartan, by…

  • Speculations R Us

    Not to be outdone by a Canadian mountain man connected to the internet via baggie twist-ties and a 9600 baud modem, mnemesis has gone through the Halo Story mailbag and picked a few gems out. (It took him a bit longer than expected, because he had to wash the grit and cobwebs off his arms…

  • Tactics 101

    The Shadow Clan (or, specifically, member ShadowOryan) has submitted a new movie called ‘Tactics 101’ – it’s available in WMP7 (13.2 mb) and QuickTime 5 (11.8 mb) formats. It’s 320×240, just over 3 minutes long, and shows some sneaky tricks that can be used in multiplay. Some have been seen before, some haven’t – but…

  • We’ll all get medals for this!

    Massive infusion of new snippets for the Dialogue Databank – 85 in total. Some real classics; ‘We are the Champions’ from a victorious grunt, and ‘Next one who dies gets it in the rear from ME!’ from Sergeant Stacker are a couple of my favorites. (That last was in the Outtakes section of Bungie’s Tru7h…

  • Corntana.

    What do you do when the voice in your head starts telling really bad jokes? Well, obviously, you start drinking to drown out the noise… unless that voice belongs to a holographic representation of an AI. One One Se7en peeks at this nightmare.

  • Wednesday Writings

    Ten Fan Fiction pieces for you today… The UNSC Sigma Octanus-part-2, by Alexander_Valient The Cortana Run [H&R 10], by Jillybean Halo 001, Part One, by Hunter_Killer A Series of Wierd Events, Part Eight, by Hunter_Killer Sons of Sparta, by SOS.Odin The Final Conflict: Chapter 1, by Blade CORRUPT [4], by GLADIATRRR3000 Homeworlds XIV, by Mainevent…

  • The Silent Cartographers Speak

    Shishka points out that The Silent Cartographers website is now online. (TSC are a mapmaking group formed recently to create killer content for Halo PC.) Go take a look!

  • New Halo PC solo play vids available

    IGN put up 12 new Halo PC movies last night – they’re all solo play. They’re available in streaming format for the general public, and downloadable .movs for Insiders. Thanks to maxmidget and The Burninator for noticing.

  • Official Strategy Guide – now shipping!

    The Sybex Official Strategy Guide for Halo PC is now out. You can grab a copy from Amazon for $14 – remember, this puppy contains a boatload of info not in the Xbox guide from Prima, including Halo Bible material and spotlights on the fan community. Check it out!

  • Buy Halo PC, get cool stuff

    Another bonus for folks ordering Halo PC from CompUSA – if you order before October 15, you’re automatically entered in a drawing that will send you to the CPL Winter Event in Dallas (including airfare, VIP pass, the works), plus some pretty sweet schwag. Check the details on their contest page. Thanks to CobaltNova for…

  • Westlake’s Phil Sulak dishes the dirt

    Phil Sulak, president of Westlake Interactive, took some time out of his insane schedule to answer a barrage of questions about Mac Halo and where it stands. It’s been a long time coming… but it won’t be much longer. Go read the details!

  • Speculate on THIS.

    Though stranded in the wilds of western Canada (though not FAR west enough to actually find civilization again), Finn has managed to update the Halo Story page with a couple of choice tidbits. The man’s a monster.

  • Next Generation.

    Today’s Guest One One Se7en comes from the multifaceted BOLL, who looks at platform issues…

  • Tuesday Tales

    12 stories today in the Fan Fiction section: Spartan III’s, Part III, by FOrunnER A Series of Wierd Events, Part Six, by Hunter_Killer A Series of Wierd Events, Part Seven, by Hunter_Killer Survival, Chapter Four: Critical Alert, by Agent Shade The Fight for Bravo Base; pt. 4- Reunion, by ONI_operative_343 Derailed Part 5, by Dispraiser…

  • IMG talks to Westlake’s Brad Oliver

    Inside Mac Games has interviewed Brad Oliver, a programmer over at Westlake Interactive (the folks responsible for the Mac port of Halo). There’s not that much Halo information in this interview, but it’s worth a read anyway for folks interested in the future of gaming on a Mac; looks like the G5s are gonna make…

  • A lotta kills!

    SketchFactor points out that it’s only one week until the Killatacular Classic IGames Championship (a tourney with $5000 on the line for the top players). Go to it!