My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • Free Halo Web Templates

    The webmaster of has written to point out that they’ve recently released a pair of free Halo templates for gaming clans. If you’re building a Halo clan site, and don’t have time to design it yourself, check these out; they’re pretty nice looking!

  • You’re gonna have to face it…

    Wolfy writes about a quiz over at Sector 7, to determine if you’re Addicted to Halo. Check it out!

  • Flash Halo

    The 343GS team has created the beginnings of a Flash game – the goal is to reproduce Halo in Flash. (Nah, they’re not ambitious or anything…) The beginnings of the game are up at the Junkyard; you can kill a couple of baddies with a grenade (but not by shooting; that’s not implemented yet). This…

  • Blick Online talks to Pete Parsons

    Back from a nice break… first up, a German interview of Pete Parsons about Halo 2 over on Blick Online. Google’s translation services gave me the gist of what was said here… but any native German speakers who wanted to translate this would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks to caudronix for the heads-up.

  • Yes, Virginia…

    During the beta test of Halo PC, there were a lot of HBO forum regulars recounting game highlights on our forum, and talk turned to whether or not HBO would host an ‘Official HBO Server’. At the time, we were vague; a Halo server requires a Windows-based operating system, and (and the hosting company…

  • Halo Revolution goes live

    Stearsy writes to tell us about HaloRevolution.Tk – the ‘ultimate Halo fan site in the United Kingdom’. There’s quite a lot of info here; help in getting online (both XBC, for Halo, and Xbox Live, for other games now, Halo 2 in the future), basic game info (I’d have liked it better if some of…

  • Massive Halo PC content infusion from IGN

    IGN has posted their review of Halo PC… and a whole lot more. For regular visitors, the review, 45 screenshots, and 9 streaming video flicks (multiplayer action) are available. (Massive spoilers in the screenshots, if you haven’t played yet.) For Insiders, there’s also a Game Guide (basically an updated version of their Xbox guide, although…

  • That Weasel’s Back Up

    Whoa – we just found out that That Weasel Television suffered a 5-day internet blackout… but is now back online. If there were movies you needed from there… go get ’em!

  • The End… of something

    Whoa. Red vs Blue, Episode 19, went up for sponsors last night (a bit later than expected) – and what a finish for the season. Remember the ‘Who Shot JR?’ episode of Dallas? (Okay, okay, I realize an enormous number of you weren’t even BORN then…) Grab it now, if you’re a sponsor… or grab…

  • The Hacker Strikes Back.

    Today’s guest One One Se7en comes from Germain Couët again. A tribute to a master.

  • End-of-week writings

    12 Fan Fiction pieces for you this time around… A Really Big Ring, Just What I Always Wanted [H&R 11], by Jillybean The Death of Earth:Guilt of a Spartan Chapter 2, by Sim McGaulkin The Battles For Centauri Primus : Chapter One, by spartandude117 The Plague Part 2, by monitor101 The Death of Earth:Guilt of…

  • When you’re up against the wall…

    Halo Babies was almost short a comic this week… but not quite. Thanks, mrsmiley!

  • NZ site reviews old beta

    Stuff Entertainment, in New Zealand, has published a review of the Halo PC 1.5 beta. Crashed a lot for them. They still sorta liked it. Sorta. Thanks to… um, a guy with a really long handle.

  • HBO News Messenger – a fan’s way of keeping up

    Sniperman27 has created the HBO News Messenger; a small Windows program that will let you know the most recent news post on HBO. I was a iittle hesitant about the color scheme (as shown in that forum post) – but I needn’t have worried; on a PC running XP Pro and .Net Framework 1.1, I…

  • Doomed.

    Carmack… unoriginal? Never. Well, Stuntmutt considers it, anyway, in today’s One One Se7en.

  • Gamespy loves Halo. Really.

    Gamespy has put up their review of the final version of Halo… and they loved it. Simply loved it. They’re still not thrilled with the level design, and they’re grumpy about the system requirements… but (by their own reckoning) those are niggles. Halo… as it was meant to be played. (Their words.) Comes with 24…

  • Master Chief – Roto Rooter Man

    Forum regular Wado has pieced together the clues dropped by Bungie, and laid out the actual Halo storyline. They jazzed it up a little bit for the final product… but the basics are all there.

  • Halo Coupling

    I was watching the boob tube and figured I’d give the premiere of that new NBC comedy, Coupling, a look-see. Guess what opens the third act? Two guys playing Halo and chatting about sex. 🙂 It was only for a few seconds, but there ya go. Nice.

  • CPL Winter tourney rules up

    For anyone going to the CPL Halo Winter Championship this December, the official rules have been posted. Read ’em through, soldier!

  • Water levels, schmawter levels…

    Mini-update at the Halo Story page – these guys haven’t figured out what sleep means.