My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2003

  • High-quality music… coming

    More info from Neo Alucard X about the Bonus DVD coming from Bungie (Soonâ„¢). It’s going to have 5.1 versions of both Halo 2 trailers, plus a suite of music from the E3 demo (also in 5.1). Plus a new image. Info comes from the Marty Army chapter of the 7th Column. (If your response…

  • GamePro reviews Halo PC

    GamePro has put up their Halo review… and they were REALLY unhappy with the framerate issue. (They gave Halo a 3.5/5 on Graphics partly because it’s dated… but partly because (in their opinion) you have to turn everything off in order to play the game.) Thanks to KP for the heads-up.

  • Flaming Love

    Very nice. Gearbox has put up a new screenshot – this one shows Dave Mertz getting toasted crisply with the flamethrower. Thanks to comcipher for the heads-up.

  • The End Of A Legend.

    Today’s Guest One One Se7en was submitted by forum regular Simpsons Rule… and it expresses a heartfelt sentiment shared by most forumgoers.

  • Video review, too, from Gamespot.

    As KP pointed out, Gamespot has updated its coverage to include a 10 minute video review for Gamespot Complete members.

  • No rest for the workers

    Serious tasty bits from Dave Mertz, lead designer of Halo, over on the Gearbox forums this evening. Highlights: The first bugfix for Halo PC is already almost finished, and will be ready soon after the game’s release. Two more patches/updates are in the pipeline.Additional features are coming soon.Game tweaking to conform to the needs of…

  • [HOH] is looking for members

    Hell on Halo, another Halo clan, is also recruiting. Check ’em out.

  • Putting a new face on… something.

    HaloJuggaloProductions has another new design. Go take a look.

  • Gamespot reviews Halo PC

    More new Halo PC content – this time at Gamespot. There’s a review (they gave it a 9/10; complaints were repetitive level design, high hardware requirements, unvaried multiplayer – what?) and a couple of dozen screenshots. (It DID get an Editor’s Choice award.) Thanks to Strato for the heads-up.

  • Killtacular Classic results posted

    Eep – came in late last night, I forgot to get back to it. The iGames Championship Killtacular Classic took place on Saturday in Tempe, Arizona… and once again, The Dream Team walked away with cash. $2000, in fact, in the 2v2 Championships, beating out The Assault Rifles. In FFA action, Zyos beat Sheppard in…

  • Project 117 looking for members

    Micah writes about a new Halo Clan, Project 117; they’re currently recruiting. Check ’em out!

  • Reviews, Screens

    Four new Halo PC reviews are up; GamingNEXT, Gamers Depot, Telefragged, and The Wargamer (a first impressions article, which, judging from the screenshots, was written from Beta 1.5). The pattern amongst the first three is the framerate issue; the game simply requires a LOT from the hardware. (We’ll be posting a tips page to optimize…

  • Halo for $40. Free shipping.

    Lophan wrote this morning to point out that his local Best Buy was selling Halo PC for $39.99, but that this was not the case on Best Buy’s website. It is, now. If you haven’t ordered Halo, save $10 by grabbing it here. Thanks, Hijack.

  • Look Up ‘Elitespeak’.

    It’s Comic Morning at HBO – Here’s Monday’s One One Se7en.

  • Halo: Resolution – a new feature

    Because it’s worked so well for Stuntmutt and One One Se7en, we’ve recycled our comic template for a new series, this one sprite-based, created by Fuzzy and D.I.M agic. It’s called Halo: Resolution, and it’ll have new strips every Monday and Saturday. Today’s strip is entitled ‘Old School’. Enjoy!

  • Words, words, and more words

    Nineteen Fan Fiction pieces from over the weekend: The Death of Earth:Guilt of a Spartan Chapter 4, by Sim McGaulkin Survival, Chapter Six: Days of Rescue and Defense, by Agent Shade Devestation- Chapter 2- Getting Home, by Michael Homeworlds XV, by Mainevent Unknown Apprentice, Rewritten, by apache119 Temporal Rift PART I: SPARTAIN II REDUX, by…

  • Clanwars – online Halo fun

    Another Halo online gaming league – Clanwars. Check this post for a quick rundown of features, or visit the site and explore.

  • German Parsons interview translated

    Thanks to Harry Al-Shakarchi, for submitting a translation of the Pete Parsons interview that showed up on Blick Online recently. (We got one from “The Corupt German” as well… it was a bit later.) Couple of interesting tidbits in there…

  • Hide and Shriek

    Eep – forgot to post today’s Guest One One Se7en strip. (There are lots of them, we can’t miss days, folks get mad if they have to wait more than 3 months to see their strip in print.) Iceman1330 looks at alternative uses for character bumping.

  • Randy Pitchford talks about performance

    Rapture has pointed out a thread on Gearbox’s forum started by Randy Pitchford, addressing concerns about Halo PC’s performance. Reaction seems to be split… but there’s some meat to be found if you read the whole thread.