My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2001

  • Fan Fiction section updated

    More fan fiction from our forum. NevinNiven posted ‘The Sacrifice’ this morning, and told us we could put it in the Fan Fiction section. Choose your reading location!

  • Final round of VE Best Developer poll

    Final round of voting! The VoodooExtreme poll “Who’s the best game development company?” is in its final round! Currently, Blizzard is in the lead, with Looking Glass second… and Bungie 6th! (Of course, there are only 200 votes so far. Get over there, and make sure they take it!

  • Halo SETI Team 7 day stats posted

    Dink!… Dink!… As of last Thursday (the last time the team stats were compiled), the Halo SETI Marines had fallen two notches in the Battle of the Teams. Ouch! Darthflounder continues to do his part, with almost 200 units this week… are YOU doing YOUR part to find the Covenant? See who’s slacking on the…

  • Fan Fiction section updated

    Thanks to Anonymous Coward, who wrote a short bit of fan fiction and posted it to our forum. (It’s been added to the Fan Fiction section, as well.)

  • More Shmuck the Kneerubber

    Shmuck the Kneerubber has another Halo-related comic up… this one really IS about Halo. 🙂 Check it out!

  • Dispute may force Microsoft to delay Xbox launch



    What’s in a name? A lot according to the Financial Times. Seems a small Florida-based company called XBOX Technologies insists it has first claim on the Xbox brand and says it is prepared to go to court to protect its trademark. Mr van Leeuwen chief executive of Xbox Technologies is reported to have said: “There’s…

  • Halo Updates database updated with Friday’s report

    Minor details… but sometimes minor details are important. (Remember van der Rohe…) We’ve added the latest Halo update to our Halo Updates database… remember it when you need to remember that tidbit in the back of your mind! (Need to know the names of all the Pauls working at Bungie? It’s in there!)

  • VoodooExtreme poll smash!

    Thanks to |CaRnyL|, who alerts us to a poll that needs smashing… VoodooExtreme is asking, Who is the best gaming development company?” You know what needs to be done…

  • Dogma 2001: Story over Style

    Paul Frankenstein brings to our attention a Gamasutra article entitled “Dogma 2001: A challenge to Game Designers”. In the spirit of a 1995 ‘vow of chastity’ proposed by a pair of filmmakers unhappy with the use of technology to cover content flaws, a game designer has suggested a set of 10 rules game designers should…

  • Haloplayers back up

    Thanks to Jenkz, who sent word that Haloplayers is back up, and on a faster pipe than before. If you get a ‘Forbidden’ message, the new address hasn’t propagated to your nameserver… give it some more time. Welcome back, guys!

  • new forums at Halo HQ

    Eldar-Colonel writes to say that Halo HQ has gotten some new forums. Check ’em out!

  • I’m too sexy for the breakers

    Matt’s weekly Halo Update went to Battleground Halo this week… and it’s full of progress reports. A dev kit upgrade, controller issues, particle effects, cool new map editor features… and waves! We want to see waves (though we don’t want to be close to Joe Staten when we see them…) Go read the details over…

  • PCG says Xbox sux!

    Ouch. Halo makes the “Worst Moments of 2000” according to the March 2001 issue of PC Gamer. Amongst mentions of 3dfx’s demise and Daikatana, they consider “It’s Xbox first for Halo” to be one of the worst gaming moments of the year. Not a list you really want to be on… thanks to Lophan for…

  • WSJ looks at Xbox



    From Lophan, maintainer of our sister site, comes this snippet from a Wall Street Journal article on Wednesday, entitled “How Microsoft Hopes to Win With Xbox”:First, it’s taking out it’s checkbook. Since march 2000, when it announced plans to enter the multibillion-dollar video-game industry, Microsoft has bought two small game developers, Bungie Software Products…

  • Design contest at The Junkyard

    The Junkyard is having a design competition – come up with the winning artwork, and your creation can grace their t-shirts! Stop by and take a look. (They do Halo news too, you know.)

  • HP woes almost at an end

    Thanks to all the people who sent in notes about Haloplayers’ moving woes – we just got a note from Jenkz, as well:we’re in the process of getting the site backup as i speak, but as we dont have 100% control over the new machine its taking time. once we find the root mysql pass…

  • Invasion of the pod people

    Huh? Stopping by Haloplayers made me wonder if I needed to change my dosages… It’s been replaced with a page called ‘Joyful Systems – online gardening for healthy systems and happy humans’ based in Santa Monica, CA. Uh oh… broken DNS or something more sinister?

  • Wallpaper page updated

    Whew. Forum regular Razz has submitted 5 new desktop images to our Wallpaper page (a couple are based on existing wallpapers, others are variations on submissions he’s made previously), and a 2.1 MB movie, showing a 500-frame animation of a Halo-like landscape. (You’ll need the divx decoder to watch this.) Take a look! (Razz is…

  • Xbox demoed at MSU

    Wow. Microsoft demoed the Xbox at Michigan State University this evening, and we got not one, but two reports on what was said! There are some interesting tidbits in there… you should read both reports. And thanks to ironhorse and Fred Sharp for sending ’em in!

  • Jaime Griesemer on Halo editing

    Hmm… info from Jaime Griesemer, Halo designer – you’ll have to make your own sense of it. Q: Which game does Halo most represent when it comes to modifications (ease of use, how much they change the game etc.)? A: Well, since the tag system is similar, Myth II, with some restrictions since we don’t…