My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2000

  • Halo Network analyzes deal

    Massa writes to let us know that Halo Network has an article up, summarizing the situation and adding a bit of analysis. It’s all in German, and Babelfish isn’t being very cooperative with the tokens that HN is using… so you’ll have to read it for yourself.

  • and the future of

    Other sources today explained that Take 2 got Oni and Myth in exchange for their 19.9% of Bungie. Now, points out that Broadband Sudios, a subsidiary of Take 2, has another connection to the deal. The strategic alliance announced today between Microsoft and Broadband gives Microsoft a ready-made broadband network for upcoming multiplayer Xbox…

  • “Powered by Jjaro tech” clocked up its 7777th SETI unit and quits.

    Hamish calls it quits! In a dramatic countup which started early this morning the Story page’s SETI client “Powered by Jjaro tech” clocked up its 7777th SETI units on the very day that the Microsoft-Bungie buyout is announced. Coincidence? We think not. We’ve also learnt that Hamish doesn’t intend to continue crunching SETI units which…

  • Halo Center has Dukes of Halo

    The spoof site went offline earlier today, due to huge bandwidth excesses. The Dukes of Halo movie available there, though, has been mirrored by Halo Center… so swing on by if you haven’t seen it!

  • Interview with Alex Seropian at GameSpot

    GameSpot has put up a news article of the Bungie acquisition, as well as an interesting 4 page interview with Alex Seropian. Absolutely worth a read.

  • Bungie posts Letter To Our Fans

    Dear Fans. Bungie posts Letter To Our Fans from Alex and Jason and Acquisition FAQ. Here’s the last part of the letter:We’re diving into this with our eyes wide open, and are eager to make it succeed. The last seven years have been a real blast. We hope you’ll join us for the next seven,…

  • Inside Mac Games weighs in

    The 9-5’s at Inside Mac Games weigh in on the Microsoft-Bungie buyout. There’s also a short Q&As with Doug Zartmanconcerning the future of Mac games from Bungie. Bottom line no commitments as of yet. 🙁

  • Halo SETI 24 hour team stats posted

    Blam! The Halo SETI Marinestake our Microsoft… oh wait… that was just a dream. :(Here are the 24 hour stats on this fateful day. Why am I the only one at the HBO offices today?

  • Some Bungie humor at

    Some good natured humor on the Microsoft-Bungie buyout at Check out that “Reasons Why Microsoft Bought Bungie” Infographic. 😉

  • Gamespy interview with Alex Seropian and Ed Fries

    “I am really concerned as to how our PC and Mac fans are going to view this deal…” says Alex Seropian. Gamespy have posted aninterview with Alex Seropian, founder and CEO of Bungie, and Ed Fries, vice president of Microsoft Games Group. Make sure you read this one. Alex is quoted as saying the following:…

  • Doug Zartman to leave Bungie!

    Doug Zartman to leave Bungie! We’ve just learnt that Doug “the voice of Bob” Zartman is leaving Bungie software. Microsoft are taking over Bungie’s marketing and the whole Dept are out the door. Gawd I’m depressed Doug was Bungie’s oldest employee. Looks like Jim Ruiz and the Bungie Store are next in line for the…

  • Microsoft to Acquire Bungie Software press release

    Microsoft make it official! Thanks to Blue’s News once again for posting the Microsoft’s official press release on their acquisition of Bungie:Microsoft to Acquire Bungie SoftwareREDMOND, Wash. – June 19, 2000 – Microsoft Corp. today announced it acquired Chicago-based Bungie Software Products Corp., a leading independent developer of action oriented computer and video games. As…

  • Blue’s News interview with Bungie’s Doug Zartman

    “We cannot promise that a Windows or Mac version of Halo will ship, but we can’t rule it out either.”says Doug Zartman. Our good friends over at Blue’s News have scored an interview with Bungie’s Doug Zartman. The voice of Bob tells it like it is!

  • Marathon’s Story page to close?

    Marathon’s Story page to close? We can’t believe it?We’re seeking confirmation on this one folks. There’s an announcement coming linked to some countdown thingie. Gawd!

  • Oni Central to stay!

    Oni Central the premiere Oni site run by Harry Al-Shakarchi is committed to staying. Here’s the announcement:Oni Central is here to stay as your source for Oni information and news. I hope you will join me when Oni is released and we can finally enjoy the fruits of Bungie West’s labour.

  • “The Mill” closes

    The Bungie fan community begins to crumble. The premiere Myth files site “The Mill” run by long time Bungie fan Randall Shaw has closed its doors due to the Microsoft buy out of Bungie. Sad news for Myth fans. Thanks to Bagman on our forums.

  • Daily Raider gets the scoop with a total of four pieces on the Microsoft-Bungie buyout

    Daily Raider gets the scoop with a total of four pieces on the Microsoft-Bungie buyout:Microsoft buys Bungie: Confirmed5 Things You Must Know About Microsoft’s Buying BungieInterview with Jason Jones about Bungie’s FutureDiagram of what’s going to be published by whom

  • Bungie-Microsoft humor from Penny Arcade

    Some Bungie-Microsoft humor from Penny Arcade to brighten your day. Thanks to Jagu on our forums.

  • “We do care about our fans and about the Mac” says Jason Jones

    “We do care about our fans and about the Mac” says Bungie’s Jason Jones. In an exclusive interviewwith Daily Raider Jason reiterated Bungie’s continued support for their fans and the Mac:Daily Raider: Do you feel, as many people are claiming on forums, that you are stabbing an icy dagger through the hearts of your most…

  • Microsoft buys Bungie to boost X-Box development

    “Microsoft buys Bungie to bolster its development of games for personal computers and its planned X-Box video-game console” says Microsoft. Here’s a quote from the press release:”Bungie is going to move up to Redmond and create great games for the PC and X-Box and really help us shape X-Box as the games platform of the…