My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Category: Red Vs. Blue

  • RT: Enough with the Jackass already

    Today marks the final installment in our Jackass odyssey. Check below to see how things turned out, and when you are done (assuming you are a sponsor) check out our first epsiode of Season 5. If you aren’t, it will be available on Monday to the general public….

  • RT: Season Five Is Alive

    Everyone here at RoosterTeeth is very proud to announce the start of Red vs Blue Season 5. At least, I think everyone else is proud. They’re all at home sleeping while I’m at the office posting this. I guess their ability to sleep peacefully…

  • RT: Do unto others…

    Well, Things have escalated since Tuesday’s comic. It was obvious that, assuming Gus survived, there would be retaliation. However, the speed at which things spiraled out of control was staggering. I actually hope that there isn’t a Jackass 3, as i’m pretty…

  • RT: Halo Wars

    I just read that at the X06 event Microsoft has announced that they are going to be releasing a real time strategy game based on the Halo universe. Ensemble Studios is currently developing Halo Wars for the Xbox 360. This isn’t exactly Rooster Teeth news,…

  • RT: Group Hug

    This weekend we did something we rarely do as an office. We all saw a movie together. I can’t remember the last time we went as a group to do something, and it took the heartwarming saga that was Jackass 2 to bring us together. Thanks Jackass, you taught…

  • RT: MNF

    If you’re watching the Saints – Falcons game tonight, keep an eye out for an NBA Live ’07 commercial we worked on. Word on the street is that it will be shown during the 2nd commercial break after the game starts. You’ll recognize it immediately as our work….

  • RT: Perfect ending, perfect day…

    Happy Saturday everyone, If you’re reading this, it means you were able to tear yourself away from Saturday morning cartoons, which means there’s probably something wrong with you. Welcome to the club! As a reward, how about a Saturday morning comic? It’s…

  • RT: Open up and say ow!

    Today we continue with “part two” of what it’s like for Burnie to travel. I really do think that somehow, at some point, Burnie must have pissed off a prominent member of the TSA or FAA. It’s the only explanation for the horrors he encounters every…

  • RT: Who Watches the Watchmen?

    Today’s comic deals with something that has affected every single one of us in the office – Burnie’s placement on the TSA Watchlist. It sucks. Apparently just travelling with him makes you an accomplice to whatever fiendish and dastardly schemes he’s no…

  • RT: I just flew in From L.A….

    …and boy are my arms tired. Badabing! Horrible joking aside, I actually did just fly in from L.A., where Jason and I have been out working on the latest round of EA Sports commercials – this time for the upcoming NBA Live. After a week of breathing, eating…

  • RT: Disgusting, in C Minor

    It’s Thursday, which means there’s still three days to go before Jason’s shower day. He’s starting to smell like old bandaids, and I’m stuck sharing a room with him in Santa Monica. He swears he’s wearing a deodorant called “Au Naturale” but I…

  • RT: Madden and Calgary Fan Event

    In celebration of the start of the NFL season, we thought everybody might enjoy checking out the commercials we recently made for Madden ’07. (They’re similar to the NCAA ones but they can accept endorsments.) I read recently that most people…

  • RT: A little pick me up…

    First of all, thanks to everyone who came out to see us over the weekend at DragonCon and CNE. They were our last two conventions of the year, and it was nice to go out on a high note. Now, on to today’s comic… We like to put on our lab coats and “experiment”…

  • RT: OoM V and the ATL

    The final episode of Red vs. Blue: Out of Mind is now available to the public. You can find it now in the RvB Video Archive. Geoff and I have been having a great time at DragonCon here in Atlanta, despite the absence of any real dragons….

  • RT: Every Con I’ve ever been to…

    Hey it’s Saturday! I don’t know what plans you all have for the weekend, but I hope they include visiting us at either of the events we’re attending this weekend (CNE and DragonCon respectively). Joel won’t be at either event, but if he was, it would go…

  • RT: Out of Mind Part Five

    OoM Part 5, the final chapter of Out of Mind, is now available for sponsors to download. I hope that you are spending your holiday weekend somewhere less hot than Texas. I think I saw a rock melt today. That takes a lot of heat. If you find yourself in…

  • RT: Man’s Best Friend

    It is way too early to be this awake right now, but I digress. Today’s comic takes a break from the standard of chastising gus (a completely worthwhile venture), to unnecessarily poke fun at yours truly. I’m not sure if I have the power to fire Luke and…

  • RT: What I did on my summer vacation…

    Yo, I’m going to make this short and sweet, as somehow I managed to catch some kind of monster flu/cold thing in the middle of the summer in Texas, and will probably be dead soon. I wonder how you know you have bird flu? Today’s comic is the final part…

  • RT: Eternal Sleep

    Blah Blah Blah, It’s Thursday and I’m grumpy for no reason. Anyway, today’s comic focuses on LACM (life after cartoon Matt), as we all try to pick up the pieces and move on. No doubt, you are all doing the same. I know we will all honor him in our own special…

  • RT: Anger Management

    Anyone who has ever met Gus, or even been within a 500 foot radius of him should be well acquainted with his incredible temper. It is the stuff of legend. I once saw him take cotton candy from a small child, then tell him that Santa and the Easter Bunny…