My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Category: Red Vs. Blue

  • RT: Episode 81 available

    Episode 81 — Sibling Arrivalries, is now online. You can view it in our video Archive.

  • RT: Lifelong Fan

    Dear Sports Fans, Congratulations on surviving the most boring World Series of all time. If the 2007 series is this lame, I think we should take a hard look at adopting Cricket. I hear it’s all the rage in India. BTW, Episode 81 is out for sponsors. P.S….

  • RT: Beyond the Veil

    Boo! Everyone in the office has a holiday they go crazy for, like Matt with Thanksgiving, or Burnie with Tax Day. Mine however, is Halloween! I go absolutely crazy for it, and get completely immersed in the spirit. I go to pumpkin carving contests, haunted…

  • RT: License to Eat

    Our office is like the Bermuda Triangle for food. As soon as you take your eyes off of it, it disappears, never to be seen again. All that’s left is an empty wrapper, and a faint cloud of dust. No matter where I try to hide it, it’s gone within minutes;…

  • RT: PSA — Planning To Fail

    The first PSA of Season Five — Planning To Fail is now online. Please visit the Red vs Blue archive to view it. I am sad to report that Geoff has officially surrendered to Achievement addiction. He is desperately trying to beat my amazing Gamerscore…

  • RT: Saturday Comic

    Wait a minute! Why are you reading this? Isn’t it Saturday? Shouldn’t you be out mowing the lawn and raking leaves? Get back to work slacker. But before you do, check out today’s comic. Then clean out the gutters and wash the car. p.s. Is anyone else…

  • RT: PSA “Planning To Fail”

    This week’s video is now available for sponsors to download. It’s our first PSA of the season, and is called “Planning To Fail”. It will be available to the general public at it’s usual time on Monday. As a reminder, Burnie will be speaking at…

  • RT: Matt is a jerk

    Today’s comic touches on the fact that Matt is an inconsiderate jerk. Everyone in the office knows it, and now you can too. Also, Burnie will be speaking at The University of Chicago in Champaign Urbana Saturday. So, if you are bored and in the area, check…

  • RT: Episode 80 and RT Comic

    Heyo, I have a bunch of crap to talk about today. First and foremost is that Episode 80 went public yesterday. You can get it here if you haven’t already. Also, today’s comic is posted below. All I will say about it is that truth really is stranger than…

  • RT: It’s official…

    Today the Rooster Teeth community site officially surpassed 500,000 registered users. That means there are now 100,000 users for each full-time staff member. Try to take it easy on us. Thanks to everyone for making this site what it is, and…

  • RT: Hangover city

    Today’s comic is posted below – barely. I’m so hungover right now that typing on my keyboard feels like being punched in the brain. Remind me never to party with two-year-olds. I can’t hang.

  • RT: Friday the 13th / Episode the 80th

    So despite Jason running around the office today in a hockey mask trying to scare us, Matt and I were able to finish Episode 80. It’s now up in the video archive for sponsors, and will be available to the public at it’s usual time on Monday (assuming anyone…

  • RT: It’s all about trust

    It’s Thursday and someone in the back of the office is blaring the Ramones, which is really odd since no one back there has any taste in music. They usually listen to Celine Dion or Clay Aiken. I guess I should stopping looking a gift horse in the mouth…

  • RT: Fighting the good fight

    I’m typing this from the office during a creepy storm. As always, Burnie and Matt are scared and hiding in the closet. Apparently the thunder is too much for them. Anyway, I should wrap this while we still have power. Today’s comic is below.

  • RT: Monday Monday

    Its Monday morning and you know what that means – time to get back to your lousy excuse for a job. Since you’re probably not doing any real work anyway, why not check out Episode 79 of Red vs Blue? You can get the Quicktime version here or the WMV over…

  • RT: Episode 79

    For those of you who are Sponsors but don’t check the Sponsor forum, this news post is for you. Episode 79 of Rd vs Blue is now available in teh Video archive. Or, you can just click here.

  • RT: Feed me Seymour

    So, despite a lackluster Lost season premiere last night, and the ghost in my house that keeps waking me up at 4:30 every friggin morning, I managed to drag myself into the office a little early today to bring you all the latest comic, and a little RvB production…

  • RT: Season 5 Public

    Episode 78 of Red vs Blue is now available in the public archive. The best way to reach it is by clicking here. I have also added a new video feature, which is the episode with director’s comments for Sponsors. I also started a thread in the Sponsor forum…

  • RT: The Gus Bus?

    For this year’s Gamestop Manager’s Conference, we were asked to sponsor one of the shuttle buses that took attendees from the hotel to the conference hall. Not wanting to make just another lame ride, we came up with the Red-side/Blue-side bus pictured below….

  • RT: Just Desserts?

    Happy Tuesday Everybody! Damnit. I’m a liar. I didn’t mean that exclamation point. I’m not really that excited that it’s Tuesday. I couldn’t sleep last night, I haven’t had coffee yet, and Jason already stank up the toilet. Life sucks. I guess I am kind…