Category: Red Vs. Blue
RT: The News
Technically I’m on vacation. That means I shouldn’t have to type a bunch of witty, funny stuff for this news post (because I’m usually witty/funny to the extreme). So I wont. I’m not even going to spell chekc. Today’s comic is below. Good Night, And Good…
RT: Man’s Best Friend
As previous comics have stated, I don’t have the best luck with dogs. That being said, I’m also not a fucking quitter – much to the chagrin of the idiots I work with. Read below to see why I’m totally right and awesome, and they suck eggs. p.s. Remember…
RT: Episode 86 Online
Episode 86 of Red vs Blue — “Brass Tacks” is now online for everyone’s enjoyment. We hope that you all are having a very Merry Christmas — hopefully nearly as Merry but not quite as Merry as ours. After all, we have a reputation to uphold. And…
RT: Secret Santa
Burnie decided it would be fun to do a secret santa gift exchange in the office this year. As with most of Burnie’s ideas, it failed. The presents were actually pretty awesome, and included an anti-Burnie fridge and a zombie defense kit. However, the whole…
RT: A Time For Giving
Happy Thursday Everyone, Christmas is so close, I can feel it. I can also feel that you were wanting something special for the holidays – a present from us to you. Don’t worry, we didn’t forget! Today’s comic is posted below, and it’s all for you!
RT: Kaboom
Looks like the video server outage from last week led to a cascading set of circumstances that erased all of our video archives. So, we’re restoring from backup now. However, the total RvB archive alone is about 50 GB, so this is going to take a…
RT: It’s beginning to feel a lot like…
Christmas? Not in Texas, it’s like 80 degrees today. But anyway, since it is Christmas and all, and I haven’t done it yet, I should probably mention we have a store with stuff to buy for people, including a new CD, and a new sticker pack. I hear both stuff…
RT: Showtime!
Our latest RvB PSA “Let’s All Go To The Movies” is now available to the public. Admission is free, so grab some popcorn and some butter-flavored hot oil substitute and enjoy!
RT: Saturday comic
Today’s comic completes the “Bah Humbug” trilogy. We’ve had a ton of content posted in the last few days, so just in case you missed any of it, here’s a laundry list: “Let’s All Go To The Movies” PSA” Forbes Video And also,…
RT: PSA “Let’s All Go To The Movies”
First things first — our latest PSA “Let’s All Go To The Movies” is now available online for Sponsors. It’s currently resting on a new server (more on that in a moment), so please be gentle. The last new server we used to host a video became so…
RT: I just flew in from SeaTac
and boy am I tired! The Austin office attended the Penny Arcade Child’s Play Charity Dinner the other night up in Bellevue, Washington and we just got back into the office. I know what you’re thinking, “They just got back home at 5pm on a Friday,…
RT: New Strangerhood Soundtrack!!!
You might have no idea who I am, but you’ve probably heard me. No, I’m not a secret character on RvB, I’m the guy who does music for RvB and PANICS; along with my band Trocadero, we did the RvB Soundtrack available at the RT Store. But this isn’t about…
New Strangerhood Soundtrack!!!
You might have no idea who I am, but you’ve probably heard me. No, I’m not a secret character on RvB, I’m the guy who does music for RvB and PANICS; along with my band Trocadero, we did the RvB Soundtrack available at the RT Store. But this isn’t about…
RT: Bah Humbug
Today’s comic is Gus in his purest form. If you ever wanted to know what it would be like to spend 2 minutes with him (although I can’t imagine you would), this pretty much sums it up. Are any of you going to the Child’s Play Charity Dinner Auction tomorrow…
RT: Episode 85 Outbreak!
RvB Episode 85: Yellow Fever is now spreading through the public like… well, like yellow fever. Sponsors have already been infected. If you’re not immune to awesome, you can get your dose of video contagion here.
RT: Healthy Competition
Today’s comic shows how Burnie and I got into the bitter mess that we’re currently in. He’s sitting stagnant at 15914 (like a bump on a log), while I’m right behind him, coming up on his heels like a fucking freight train with my 14481 coal-fueled points…
RT: Thursday Comic and Episode 85 Progress
I’m taking a break from Episode 85 production (which is going smashingly so far) to throw up today’s comic. it’s obviously a continuation of Tuesday’s. Ok, that’s enough of a break. Back to work!
RT: Halo 3 Trailer!
Did you guys see the amazing Halo 3 Trailer last night during Monday Night Football? If not, you can get it on, HBO, or on XBL Marketplace. I insist you go watch it right now. Then come back here and read today’s comic.
RT: Saturday? Already?
I woke up this morning and was getting in my car as I realized that it was Saturday, and I didn’t have to go to stupid work. I was back in bed in under 10 seconds. Wait…did I leave my car on? Oh well, whatever. Today’s comic answers the much asked question…”How…