Category: Red Vs. Blue
I don’t know if you’ve played Left 4 Dead 2 yet, but I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that you probably have (about 200 times by now). Truly awesome game, but some of the Achievements are really bizarre. Like the “Gong Show” one, which requires you to play the strong…
AH: Left 4 Dead 2-fer
First up is Wing and a Prayer, a tricky, but easy little Achievement in Swamp Fever. Next up is the awesomely titled Bridge Over Trebled Slaughter. Both Achievements seem tough at first, but are totally doable if you follow these quick and easy guides.
RT: Revisiting the Classics
It’s every guy’s dream to have a girlfriend or wife that gets into gaming… until they actually do. One minute they’re bitching at you for hogging the TV because Will and Grace is on, the next, they’re hogging the Xbox and insisting you play Fable 2 with them for three hours even though Left 4…
AH: Assassin's Creed Too!!!
Alright folks, I’ve been busting my ass trying to build up the maps in Assassin’s Creed 2, but while those are coming to fruition, I’ve got a few videos for you. Enjoy! The first is one of my favorites, Red Light Addict: From there we get airborne and pick up the Fly Swatter achievement. After…
AH: AH Gaming Night
Hey AHers, Don’t worry there’s more videos coming to you later today. Jack is working on maps for Assassin’s Creed 2, while I’m knocking out some more Left 4 Dead 2 vids as we speak… or type… or whatever. But in the meantime, I wanted to talk to you about an idea we’ve been kicking…
AH: Assassin's Creed Too!!!
Alright folks, I’ve been busting my ass trying to build up the maps in Assassin’s Creed 2, but while those are coming to fruition, I’ve got a few videos for you. Enjoy! The first is one of my favorites, Red Light Addict: From there we get airborne and pick up the Fly Swatter achievement. After…
AH: Left 4 Dead 2-fer
First up is Wing and a Prayer, a tricky, but easy little Achievement in Swamp Fever. Next up is the awesomely titled Bridge Over Trebled Slaughter. Both Achievements seem tough at first, but are totally doable if you follow these quick and easy guides.
RT: Revisting the Classics
It’s every guy’s dream to have a girlfriend or wife that gets into gaming… until they actually do. One minute they’re bitching at you for hogging the TV because Will and Grace is on, the next, they’re hogging the Xbox and insisting you play Fable 2 with them for three hours even though Left 4…
AH: Assassin's Creed Too!!!
Alright folks, I’ve been busting my ass trying to build up the maps in Assassin’s Creed 2, but while those are coming to fruition, I’ve got a few videos for you. Enjoy! The first is one of my favorites, Red Light Addict: From there we get airborne and pick up the Fly Swatter achievement. After…
AH: Left 4 Dead 2-fer
First up is Wing and a Prayer, a tricky, but easy little Achievement in Swamp Fever. Next up is the awesomely titled Bridge Over Trebled Slaughter. Both Achievements seem tough at first, but are totally doable if you follow these quick and easy guides.
RT: The views of Griffon and Luke…
…are hilarious as always. So what’d you buy today? L4D2? Assassin’s Creed 2, Going Rogue? Lego Indy 2, Tony Hawk?
AH: Modern Warfare 2 – Spec Ops!
Yo ho ho folks. Today I bring to you the first few Spec Ops missions that Geoff and I captured in Modern Warfare 2. The ultimate goal is to have a video for every op, but it might be a while as Left 4 Dead 2 and Assassin’s Creed 2 both came out today. Geoff…
AH: Respawn Radio – 029: So. How 'bout them CoDs?
Modern Warfare 2 has hit the streets and Respawn Radio is there for all your CoD needs. We spend the entire episode discussing Launch Events, Single Player, Spec Ops, and Multiplayer. What more could you ask for? Your Hosts Are: Lono, Knuckles Dawson, & 8bitbass.Don’t forget to join the RR Group for all the latest…
AH: Left 4 Dead 2 vids
So Left 4 Dead 2 is out, and we’ve got you covered with four videos (and plenty more to come). First up, is a guide to Stache Whacker. Next up is the hilarious Gong Show. Followed by a double guide, covering Septic Tank, and Head Honcho. And last but not least, the awesome, awesome Achievement…
AH: High Divin'
Hey! It’sa me! Jackio! Today I present our first Assassin’s Creed 2 video. I’m currently at work on the maps for all of the feather/glyph locations, and I could use your help! Jump in to the AC2 forum and you can lend a hand in finding all of the feathers and everything else. I’m using…
RT: Thanksgiving Z
Morning Everyone, As you can see from the awesome image above, we’ve decided to spread the holiday cheer a bit, by making a special edition “Thanksgiving Z” shirt. Just in case you don’t remember, it’s based off of last year’s wildly popular comics (linked below) telling the “true” tale of the first Thanksgiving. The First…
AH: AH Gaming Night
Hey AHers, Don’t worry there’s more videos coming to you later today. Jack is working on maps for Assassin’s Creed 2, while I’m knocking out some more Left 4 Dead 2 vids as we speak… or type… or whatever. But in the meantime, I wanted to talk to you about an idea we’ve been kicking…
I don’t know if you’ve played Left 4 Dead 2 yet, but I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that you probably have (about 200 times by now). Truly awesome game, but some of the Achievements are really bizarre. Like the “Gong Show” one, which requires you to play the strong…
RT: The views of Griffon and Luke…
…are hilarious as always. So what’d you buy today? L4D2? Assassin’s Creed 2, Going Rogue? Lego Indy 2, Tony Hawk?
AH: Modern Warfare 2 – Spec Ops!
Yo ho ho folks. Today I bring to you the first few Spec Ops missions that Geoff and I captured in Modern Warfare 2. The ultimate goal is to have a video for every op, but it might be a while as Left 4 Dead 2 and Assassin’s Creed 2 both came out today. Geoff…