Category: Red Vs. Blue
RT: Oh, My God… Red vs. Blue 2010 Calendar now for sale at!
Hey guys, Rooster Teeth is happy to announce you can now get the 2010 Red vs Blue Calendar at the largest calendar dealer in the US. The 2010 model features 12 quotes/scenes from RvB Recreation and some great American holidays like June 14th: Flag Day and June 15th: Flag Returned Day. Join Caboose on August…
AH: Final Brutal Reminder
You’ve got just about another three hours to submit your entry to our Brutal Legend Multiplayer contest! Read about it here if you somehow missed it before! Hurry up!!
AH: Call of Duty Classic: Gunslinger Guide
Hey Everyone, I hope you all survived your weekend. I spent mine playing BF1943, trying to knock out that 100 games played Achievement. But anyhoo, on to today’s video. We’re back in Call of Duty Classic, this time nabbing the
AH: Respawn Radio – 032: Delay of Game [Ustream Edition!]
Due to some technical difficulties, this week’s finished, edited, shiny and polished episode of Respawn Radio is going to be delayed. To tide over any ravenous Undead Heads who need their fix of over-opinionated nerdgasms, I’m putting up the live show for your listening pleasure. As soon as a certain host’s computer is up and…
AH: Burnie and JD FTW!
I have a special treat for you folks today. Burnie and his son JD worked together and cut some awesome Achievement Hunter videos in Lego Indiana Jones 2. I have a feeling that Geoff might be out of a job soon. Up first is “You choose the wrong friends” guide: Followed oh-so-closely by the “You’re…
AH: Saboteur-gasm!
Yo guys, Geoff and I have been tag-teaming the hell out of Saboteur and you get to feast in the results! Up first is my lame excuse as to why we aren’t going to be making a map for Saboteur! Hooray! Up next, Geoff shows us how to pick up a quick 25 GS towards…
RT: Bela Lugosi's Pissed
I’m sure by now that you’ve read about the unstoppable force that is New Moon. I must admit complete ignorance to the series, but I will say this, I want to figure out how the fuck to copy it, and copy it fast.
RT: Ghosts That Linger
To honor the release of Ghosts That Linger, everyone’s favorite uber-user FinchLynch whipped up a special video based on the Trocadero’s song “Good Fight”, which we used in Episode 100 of RvB:BGC & Episode 19 of Recreation. Give Finch’s video a gander and then, if you feel so inclined, mosey on over to the Rooster…
AH: AH Gaming Night "The Poll"
Hey Everyone, As promised, I created a poll for which game we use in our first Gaming Night. Check it out and vote over here.
AH: Weekly Recap – November 22
Ok, you caught me. I’m a few hours late. But better late then never, amirite? Community -Episode 29 of Respawn Radio -Achievement Hunter Gaming Nights Videos -The Pit, Sniper Fi, and O Cristo Redentor Spec Ops video guides in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 -Stache Whacker, Gong Show, Guardin’ Gnome, Wing and a Prayer,…
RT: Revisiting the Classics
It’s every guy’s dream to have a girlfriend or wife that gets into gaming… until they actually do. One minute they’re bitching at you for hogging the TV because Will and Grace is on, the next, they’re hogging the Xbox and insisting you play Fable 2 with them for three hours even though Left 4…
AH: Achievement Challenge 8: The Winner Is…
ExileOfLife! This guy put up an impressive Gamerscore increase of 5175 beating second place Coil_36 by just over 1000G. So I believe huge congrats are in order here. That’s it for the Achievement Challenges until January, so stock up on those gift vouchers you get at Christmas ready for the next Challenge. If you want…
AH: Achievement Challenge 8: The Winner Is…
ExileOfLife! This guy put up an impressive Gamerscore increase of 5175 beating second place Coil_36 by just over 1000G. So I believe huge congrats are in order here. That’s it for the Achievement Challenges until January, so stock up on those gift vouchers you get at Christmas ready for the next Challenge. If you want…
AH: AH Gaming Night "The Poll"
Hey Everyone, As promised, I created a poll for which game we use in our first Gaming Night. Check it out and vote over here.
RT: Revisiting the Classics
It’s every guy’s dream to have a girlfriend or wife that gets into gaming… until they actually do. One minute they’re bitching at you for hogging the TV because Will and Grace is on, the next, they’re hogging the Xbox and insisting you play Fable 2 with them for three hours even though Left 4…
AH: Weekly Recap – November 22
Ok, you caught me. I’m a few hours late. But better late then never, amirite? Community -Episode 29 of Respawn Radio -Achievement Hunter Gaming Nights Videos -The Pit, Sniper Fi, and O Cristo Redentor Spec Ops video guides in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 -Stache Whacker, Gong Show, Guardin’ Gnome, Wing and a Prayer,…
AH: Respawn Radio – 029: So. How 'bout them CoDs?
Modern Warfare 2 has hit the streets and Respawn Radio is there for all your CoD needs. We spend the entire episode discussing Launch Events, Single Player, Spec Ops, and Multiplayer. What more could you ask for? Your Hosts Are: Lono, Knuckles Dawson, & 8bitbass.Don’t forget to join the RR Group for all the latest…
AH: Left 4 Dead 2 vids
So Left 4 Dead 2 is out, and we’ve got you covered with four videos (and plenty more to come). First up, is a guide to Stache Whacker. Next up is the hilarious Gong Show. Followed by a double guide, covering Septic Tank, and Head Honcho. And last but not least, the awesome, awesome Achievement…
AH: High Divin'
Hey! It’sa me! Jackio! Today I present our first Assassin’s Creed 2 video. I’m currently at work on the maps for all of the feather/glyph locations, and I could use your help! Jump in to the AC2 forum and you can lend a hand in finding all of the feathers and everything else. I’m using…
AH: AH Gaming Night
Hey AHers, Don’t worry there’s more videos coming to you later today. Jack is working on maps for Assassin’s Creed 2, while I’m knocking out some more Left 4 Dead 2 vids as we speak… or type… or whatever. But in the meantime, I wanted to talk to you about an idea we’ve been kicking…