Category: Red Vs. Blue
AH: Happy New Year!
What better was to kick off this new year than another Spec Op in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Today I bring you “Big Brother” with a special guest cameo by Burnie! Enjoy.
RT: Happy New Years and Whatnot
Happy New Years everyone (yes, I realize i’m two days late – deal with it). Anyway, here’s the first comic of 2010.
AH: Respawn Radio – 035: First shot, last call
This is it, we close out 2009 with, what else, an awesome review of Disney Princess Enchanted Castle for the Wii. Think it can’t get much worse, you won’t believe it until you hear it. Thank you 2009, long live 2010! Happy New Year all! Happy Holidays from Respawn Radio! Your Hosts Are: Lono, Knuckles…
RT: Bleach Bleach Bleach
By now the whole world has read all about Gus’ big funny prank. Ha ha. The joke is on Geoff. But I will say this to you, I’m from Alabama, and our football team’s mascot is an elephant, and elephants don’t forget. So laugh it up Sorola, your day is coming.
AH: Shadow Complex: Serious Complex Achievement Guide
So I know Shadow Complex has been out for a while now, but I finally got around to 200 pointing it. In the process, I decided to do a video for the Serious Complex Achievement. Hopefully this will help those of you like me, who were lazy and never finished it.
AH: Spec-op-tacular!
Good evening folks, pardon for the late news update, but I wanted to get this out before I pass out for the night. Geoff and I are still plugging away at the Spec Ops missions in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and today we bring you “Body Count,” which sounds like a terrible 80s…
RT: My Christmas Present
There’s not much I can say to accompany today’s comic that will explain it any better than Gus’ journal. So just read that. Then wash your eyeballs.
AH: It's Trials Time!
What’s up guys? Did you have a nice Christmas break? Did you get lots of games that you need help with? If you did, you have picked the right place to go. We’ve got all kinds of guides up in this mother. Today brings forth three videos for the new DLC achievements in TrialsHD. I…
AH: Happy New Year!
What better was to kick off this new year than another Spec Op in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Today I bring you “Big Brother” with a special guest cameo by Burnie! Enjoy.
AH: The Saboteur: Contraband Guide
Hey guys, I’ve got a quick little video for you today. It shows how to get some extra contraband in The Saboteur, which I’m sure you know is necessary for buying all the coolest stuff in the game.
AH: Wet your tongue on these trailers! have been throwing out some world premiere trailers from the Video Game Awards for some rather exciting titles, most of which being additions to already popular franchises. Here’s the complete list of them that you might just want to check out: Batman: Arkham Asylum 2 Crackdown 2 Deadliest Warrior Green Day Rock Band Halo:…
AH: The Saboteur: Contraband Guide
Hey guys, I’ve got a quick little video for you today. It shows how to get some extra contraband in The Saboteur, which I’m sure you know is necessary for buying all the coolest stuff in the game.
RT: Drunk Tank #39 (Rooster Teeth Podcast)
It’s the best thing on the internet that doesn’t have bare breasts. The latest podcast went up yesterday and you can download it via Itunes, Zune Marketplace, or direct download.
RT: Drunk Tank #39 (Rooster Teeth Podcast)
It’s the best thing on the internet that doesn’t have bare breasts. The latest podcast went up yesterday and you can download it via Itunes, Zune Marketplace, or direct download.
AH: Respawn Radio – 032: Delay of Game [Edited Edition!]
Better late than never, right? This week’s episode is a little behind schedule but full of awesome. This week we talk Army of Two: 40th Day, Knuckles’ experience finishing World at War on Veteran, a little Super Mario Brother’s Wii, and the rest of the banter and shenanigans you know and love. Your Hosts Are:…
AH: Major, Major Feature Upgrade
Woohoo! Boy am I excited to tell you about the two latest features Ben has implemented for Achievement Hunter! Gamerscore Leaderboards Achievement Races Leaderboards is fairly self-explanatory, but I’m so excited I still have to talk about it. Our site now has Leaderboards (updated from Xbox every 60 minutes). You can view every user on…
AH: Weekly Recap – December 12
New features? New features! Community -NEW FEATURE – Gamerscore Leaderboards -NEW FEATURE – Achievement Races -Episode 32 of Respawn Radio Videos -Gunslinger video guide in Call of Duty Classic -The Quick and the Dead video guide in Left 4 Dead 2 -You choose the wrong friends and You’re a teacher? video guides in Lego Indiana…