Category: Red Vs. Blue
RT: Seasons Eatings
I wish there was an element of fiction to today’s comic, but at the same time, I’m glad there isn’t. We got so many wonderful gifts to the office this holiday, that we where overwhelmed. Hell, someone even sent us an entire cooked turkey. By the way, if you’re ever looking for the perfect gift…
RT: Seasons Eatings
I wish there was an element of fiction to today’s comic, but at the same time, I’m glad there isn’t. We got so many wonderful gifts to the office this holiday, that we where overwhelmed. Hell, someone even sent us an entire cooked turkey. By the way, if you’re ever looking for the perfect gift…
RT: Seasons Eatings
I wish there was an element of fiction to today’s comic, but at the same time, I’m glad there isn’t. We got so many wonderful gifts to the office this holiday, that we where overwhelmed. Hell, someone even sent us an entire cooked turkey. By the way, if you’re ever looking for the perfect gift…
AH: Moar Ops!
Okay, so far, nothing has caught on fire. Yet. I bring you yet another Spec Op vid from Modern Warfare 2, this is the more difficult “Breach & Clear” level. We’re jumping around a bit just because I cut them out of order before Geoff took off for Alabamaland. Enjoy! See you tomorrow!
AH: Respawn Radio – 034: Happy Holidays from Respawn Radio
After wrapping up the Game of the Year discussions last week, Lono, 8bit and Knuckles sit down by a warm fire, put on their Christmas sweaters and sip hot cocoa while discussing the Borderlands DLC and their favorite iPhone games of the year. So, sit back, relax and let the brightly colored knit sweaters wash…
AH: Out of Order!
Hey guys, Jack here…manning the fort all by myself. That’s right, Geoff is out of town and I’ve been left with some sort of crazy control. As the first decree of my new reign, I present to you another Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Spec Op vid! Enjoy!!
RT: All Nighter
I wish I got to do cool guy stuff. I’m trapped in this house with two women. Someone, send help. I’m being overrun by glitter.
AH: Snow-Motion
You guys love the Spec Ops, and we love making videos in them. Here are two snow-mobile themed Ops, Bravo’s Race and Charlie’s Time Trial. Here’s a secret…I beat Geoff in both of them. WHAT! Here is RACE! And the ultimate in trialage, TIME TRIAL!
RT: Drunk Tank #41
The latest podcast is available FOR FREE (you’re welcome) and you can download it via iTunes, Zune Marketplace, or direct download.
RT: Happy New Years and Whatnot
Happy New Years everyone (yes, I realize i’m two days late – deal with it). Anyway, here’s the first comic of 2010.
AH: Respawn Radio – 035: First shot, last call
This is it, we close out 2009 with, what else, an awesome review of Disney Princess Enchanted Castle for the Wii. Think it can’t get much worse, you won’t believe it until you hear it. Thank you 2009, long live 2010! Happy New Year all! Happy Holidays from Respawn Radio! Your Hosts Are: Lono, Knuckles…
AH: Happy Twenty-Ten!
Alright folks, did you all work off your New Year hangovers? Great, we did too. What better way to kick off our 2010 than with some more Spec Ops in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2! You know you love it. Today is “Hidden,” the Charlie Op. Charlie was one of my favorite characters in…
RT: Happy Boxing Day!
The Ramsey clan is driving back to Austin and as such I have been given the job of official comic poster. It is a glamorous life filled with mystery and intrigue but I think I can manage. I didn’t fuck it up right?
AH: Weekly Recap 2010
Hope you guys had a happy new year! This is the first Weekly Recap of 2010, and it is a big one. Two weeks worth of updates. Here we go. Community -How The Grinch Stole Achievement Hunter from Iceman4264 -Episode 34 of Respawn Radio -Tinker text achievement guide from myself -The Saboteur text achievement guide…
AH: Shadow Complex: Serious Complex Achievement Guide
So I know Shadow Complex has been out for a while now, but I finally got around to 200 pointing it. In the process, I decided to do a video for the Serious Complex Achievement. Hopefully this will help those of you like me, who were lazy and never finished it.
AH: Mad Moxxi Underdome Riot Walkthrough
Hey guys I just made a walkthrough showing off the features of the newest Borderlands DLC entitled Mad Moxxi’s Underdome Riot. Go check it out.
RT: Bleach Bleach Bleach
By now the whole world has read all about Gus’ big funny prank. Ha ha. The joke is on Geoff. But I will say this to you, I’m from Alabama, and our football team’s mascot is an elephant, and elephants don’t forget. So laugh it up Sorola, your day is coming.
AH: Weekly Recap 2010
Hope you guys had a happy new year! This is the first Weekly Recap of 2010, and it is a big one. Two weeks worth of updates. Here we go. Community -How The Grinch Stole Achievement Hunter from Iceman4264 -Episode 34 of Respawn Radio -Tinker text achievement guide from myself -The Saboteur text achievement guide…
AH: Happy New Year!
What better was to kick off this new year than another Spec Op in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Today I bring you “Big Brother” with a special guest cameo by Burnie! Enjoy.