Category: Red Vs. Blue
AH: Grabbed and Snatched!
You asked for it, and now you got it. Today brings forth the much asked for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Spec Op: Snatch & Grab. Geoff and I killed ourselves trying to get through this one, but we finally pulled it off. In the video we show you a couple of techniques we…
AH: Grabbed and Snatched!
You asked for it, and now you got it. Today brings forth the much asked for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Spec Op: Snatch & Grab. Geoff and I killed ourselves trying to get through this one, but we finally pulled it off. In the video we show you a couple of techniques we…
RT: Attention Earth
Today’s comic, while hilarious, should also serve as a public service announcement. If you or anyone you know is this affected by a space movie, please seek help immediately.
AH: Weekly Recap – January 16
Community -Episode 37 of Respawn Radio -Achievement Challenge 10 sign ups Videos -Alfheims 1-12, Alfheims 13-21, Touch And It Will REALLY Hurt, Record Fanatic (Part 2), Sapientia, Controller of Seas, Naughty Tentacles, Temperantia, Manipulator of Wind, and Lustitia, Giver of Life video guides in Bayonetta -Tread Not So Softly and Higher & Higher video guide…
AH: Weekly Recap – January 16
Community -Episode 37 of Respawn Radio -Achievement Challenge 10 sign ups Videos -Alfheims 1-12, Alfheims 13-21, Touch And It Will REALLY Hurt, Record Fanatic (Part 2), Sapientia, Controller of Seas, Naughty Tentacles, Temperantia, Manipulator of Wind, and Lustitia, Giver of Life video guides in Bayonetta -Tread Not So Softly and Higher & Higher video guide…
AH: Army De Dos: Gatos, Grenados y Weaponos
Hey everyone, I hope you are having a good weekend. For those of you lucky folks playing Army of Two: The 40th Day, here are a few videos to help you grab some more achievements. Up first is Full Arsenal, well…kind of. There are 15 parts scattered around the game, and we’ll show you those…
RT: Attention Earth
Today’s comic, while hilarious, should also serve as a public service announcement. If you or anyone you know is this affected by a space movie, please seek help immediately.
AH: Army De Dos: Gatos, Grenados y Weaponos
Hey everyone, I hope you are having a good weekend. For those of you lucky folks playing Army of Two: The 40th Day, here are a few videos to help you grab some more achievements. Up first is Full Arsenal, well…kind of. There are 15 parts scattered around the game, and we’ll show you those…
AH: Two for Army of Two
Yo yo yo. I’ve got a couple of Army of Two: The 40th Day videos to start you off on your Friday. First up we have a guide that I’ll probably get sent to Hell for making. But hey, I’ll be headed there with the Achievement, so fuck it. I present to you: Pumpkin Patch.…
RT: Here we go again…
Once your SciFi franchise gets it’s own official nerd language, you know you’re set. Sure, it’ll be the largest grossing movie of all time, but just think of the revenue generated from the next 20 years of cons, action figures, cosplay gear, dinner plates, bed sheets, etc etc etc. Kudos Mr. Cameron.
AH: Yo, dog…
… I heard you like AHTV, so I put a broadcast in your broadcast, so you can watch while you watch! That’s right, Pimp My Ride will be endured for mass hilarity this Saturday, January 16th, at 10:00 AM PT/1:00 PM ET/6:00 PM GMT. Now, I do also have Army of Two: the 40th Day,…
AH: Respawn Radio – 037: Beating a Dead Horse
The crew is back once again, this time joined by Casey, aka ChurchesWife to discuss what we want from Assassin’s Creed 3, Wii Fit Plus and 8BitBass reviews Bayonetta. Games, hijinks and bi-nipple baby suckling ensues on this week’s Respawn Radio! Your Hosts Are: Lono, Knuckles Dawson, & 8bitbass.Don’t forget to join the RR Group…
AH: Army of Two: The 40th Day, Radios & Masks
Ahoy folks. Today I bring forth a couple more Army of Two: The 40th Day videos for your enterjoyment. The first up isn’t for an achievement, but shows how you can put your personal touch on Salem and Rios. Geoff can’t stop putting his personal touch on Rios…it’s creepy. And up next is our first…
RT: Here we go again…
Once your SciFi franchise gets it’s own official nerd language, you know you’re set. Sure, it’ll be the largest grossing movie of all time, but just think of the revenue generated from the next 20 years of cons, action figures, cosplay gear, dinner plates, bed sheets, etc etc etc. Kudos Mr. Cameron.
AH: Yo, dog…
… I heard you like AHTV, so I put a broadcast in your broadcast, so you can watch while you watch! That’s right, Pimp My Ride will be endured for mass hilarity this Saturday, January 16th, at 10:00 AM PT/1:00 PM ET/6:00 PM GMT. Now, I do also have Army of Two: the 40th Day,…
AH: Army of Two: The 40th Day, Radios & Masks
Ahoy folks. Today I bring forth a couple more Army of Two: The 40th Day videos for your enterjoyment. The first up isn’t for an achievement, but shows how you can put your personal touch on Salem and Rios. Geoff can’t stop putting his personal touch on Rios…it’s creepy. And up next is our first…
RT: Rock, Paper, Really?
I’m assuming at some point during the development of Army of Two: 40th Day, someone said “Instead of more guns, what if we added rock, paper, scissors? I hear mercenaries LOVE to play it!”, and for some reason, everyone agreed wholeheartedly. Maybe they even played it to determine if the feature should make it in…
AH: Respawn Radio – 037: Beating a Dead Horse
The crew is back once again, this time joined by Casey, aka ChurchesWife to discuss what we want from Assassin’s Creed 3, Wii Fit Plus and 8BitBass reviews Bayonetta. Games, hijinks and bi-nipple baby suckling ensues on this week’s Respawn Radio! Your Hosts Are: Lono, Knuckles Dawson, & 8bitbass.Don’t forget to join the RR Group…
AH: Army of Two: 40th Day – Rock, Paper, Scissors
Ok Everyone, It’s time to get the Army of Two ball rolling. First up: Rock, Paper, Scissors!