Category: Red Vs. Blue
AH: The Rest of 'Em
Today I bring you the last of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 videos we’ll be producing until the (eventual) DLC. A few spec ops and my last co-op achievement, “Downed but Not Out.” I hope you are as excited as I am. Up first is Wetwork! Next on to High Explosive! And your…
AH: Three Dark Void Guides
You guys ready for some Dark Void action? First up, we have a guide to the Killing Spree Achievement: Followed by a guide for Blue Light Special: And wrapping it up with part one of a guide to getting Bookworm: That’s it for Dark Void videos today. Except some more MW2 soon, and of course,…
AH: Delta Skelter!
Hey folks, Geoff and I just wrapped up Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and we’re going through and finishing off the videos for Spec Ops. Today I present to you not one, not two, but ALL FIVE of the Delta Spec Ops! You know you love it. Delta 1: Wardriving Delta 2: Wreckage Delta…
AH: Respawn Radio – 039: Knuckles' Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2… and some other stuff, this week as we drop some spoiler free knowledge and take questions about Mass Effect 2. Also, Knuckles gets into a bit of trouble at the end of the show and you will not want to miss the fireworks on this week’s Respawn Radio! Your Hosts Are: Lono,…
AH: Mass Effect 2 Code Redemption Clarification
Hey guys Fragger here for my yearly post. I have been seeing on a few websites and forums that people are confused about the code(s) redemption process in Mass Effect 2: BIG HUGE NOTE: If you do not have your GamerTag attached to an EA account DO NOT make an EA account on the site…
AH: Three Dark Void Guides
You guys ready for some Dark Void action? First up, we have a guide to the Killing Spree Achievement: Followed by a guide for Blue Light Special: And wrapping it up with part one of a guide to getting Bookworm: That’s it for Dark Void videos today. Except some more MW2 soon, and of course,…
AH: Mass Effect 2: DLC leaked
It’s online now and it’s all free! Every bit of bonus DLC for Mass Effect 2, which you would only normally get with pre-orders, Collectors’ Edition and by having Dragon Age: Origins, can be added to your download queue online ready for you to retrieve them on your XBox. Collectors’ Weapon and Armour Terminus Weapon…
AH: Delta Skelter!
Hey folks, Geoff and I just wrapped up Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and we’re going through and finishing off the videos for Spec Ops. Today I present to you not one, not two, but ALL FIVE of the Delta Spec Ops! You know you love it. Delta 1: Wardriving Delta 2: Wreckage Delta…
AH: Mass Effect 2: DLC leaked
It’s online now and it’s all free! Every bit of bonus DLC for Mass Effect 2, which you would only normally get with pre-orders, Collectors’ Edition and by having Dragon Age: Origins, can be added to your download queue online ready for you to retrieve them on your XBox. Collectors’ Weapon and Armour Terminus Weapon…
AH: Assassin's Creed 2 DLC Date
Ubisoft tweeted the official release date for the first Assassin’s Creed 2 DLC today, which is very exciting. “Battle of Forli” will drop on January 28th, for 320 MS points (and a similar price for PS3), but what I can’t find is any mention of Achievements. I think it’s awesome that it’s priced so cheaply,…
AH: Weekly Recap – January 23
Community -Dante’s Inferno DLC achievements preview -Episode 38 of Respawn Radio Videos -Snatch & Grab and Body Count Spec Ops video guides in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 -Alfeim 1 and Alfeim 2 video guides in Bayonetta from FinchLynch Achievements -Added achievements for Aliens vs. Predator -Added more achievements for HaloSphere -Added achievements for…
AH: Weekly Recap – January 23
Community -Dante’s Inferno DLC achievements preview -Episode 38 of Respawn Radio Videos -Snatch & Grab and Body Count Spec Ops video guides in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 -Alfeim 1 and Alfeim 2 video guides in Bayonetta from FinchLynch Achievements -Added achievements for Aliens vs. Predator -Added more achievements for HaloSphere -Added achievements for…
AH: Assassin's Creed 2 DLC Date
Ubisoft tweeted the official release date for the first Assassin’s Creed 2 DLC today, which is very exciting. “Battle of Forli” will drop on January 28th, for 320 MS points (and a similar price for PS3), but what I can’t find is any mention of Achievements. I think it’s awesome that it’s priced so cheaply,…
RT: Play Halo 3 tonight with Rooster Teeth for Haiti relief
Tonight starting at 8 PM central to 10 PM central, the guys at RT will be playing Halo 3 online with the community! Send game invites to: JoeAct, DGgeoff, BurnieBurns, ahGus, Monki5225, GavinoFree or BrandonKFA. MAKE SURE you set the emblem on your spartan to the special Haiti campaign design or else you won’t be…
RT: Brain Freeze
Today’s comic pretty accurately describes how I feel about the Avatar game. It’s almost worth playing it, just to get to spend a little more time in that world. Almost.
AH: Reminder: Halo for Haiti!
Hey guys, I just wanted to send out a reminder that the RT boys will be playing some Halo tonight to help Bungie raise some coin for relief in Haiti. We’ll begin in just about an hour and a half (8pm CST). Please read this post for more details! I’ll see you there.