Category: Red Vs. Blue
AH: 'Spolosion Deal
Hey guys, Just as a quick note, for this week only on XBox Live Marketplace, ‘Splosion Man is half price, costing just 400MSP for a whole bunch of ‘sploding fun! That’s only 80MSP more than Battle of Forli too, with 200 Gamerscore to boot. You know it makes sense!
AH: Battle of For Lee
Good morning everyone, I hope you had a nice weekend. We’re starting off early this week with a quick look at the new DLC for Assassin’s Creed 2. The new DLC is only $4, but there are no achievements. Check out our look at it before you buy if you are on the fence.
AH: 'Spolosion Deal
Hey guys, Just as a quick note, for this week only on XBox Live Marketplace, ‘Splosion Man is half price, costing just 400MSP for a whole bunch of ‘sploding fun! That’s only 80MSP more than Battle of Forli too, with 200 Gamerscore to boot. You know it makes sense!
AH: NBA Live 07: 1000 Online final reminder
EDIT: I just got the Achievement. Go Go Go. You got two hours. There’s an Ach Hunter lobby up for you to join if you so please. ~ KD Today’s the day! That’s right, the last chance to get the 1000 online achievement in NBA Live 07. You’ve still got a few hours before the…
AH: NBA Live 07: 1000 Online final reminder
EDIT: I just got the Achievement. Go Go Go. You got two hours. There’s an Ach Hunter lobby up for you to join if you so please. ~ KD Today’s the day! That’s right, the last chance to get the 1000 online achievement in NBA Live 07. You’ve still got a few hours before the…
RT: Season 5 Debuts on Zune/Xbox Marketplace
Season 5 of Red vs. Blue has debuted on the newly minted Zune Marketplace (formerly XBOX Marketplace). All episodes are in HD for your viewing pleasure. Super excited to say that Marketplace will be releasing 2 episodes a week! Seasons 1-4 are already online and are remastered and in HD as well. By the way,…
AH: Weekly Recap – January 30
Tomorrow will be the last day to attempt to get the achievement for 1,000 people online in NBA Live 07. All of the achievement communities are teaming up to try to get this, click here for more details. Community -Episode 39 of Respawn Radio Videos -Wardriving, Wreckage, Acceptable Losses, Terminal, Estate Takedown, Wetwork, High Explosive,…
AH: Weekly Recap – January 30
Tomorrow will be the last day to attempt to get the achievement for 1,000 people online in NBA Live 07. All of the achievement communities are teaming up to try to get this, click here for more details. Community -Episode 39 of Respawn Radio Videos -Wardriving, Wreckage, Acceptable Losses, Terminal, Estate Takedown, Wetwork, High Explosive,…
RT: Gripping conclusion
I know it’s probably too much to ask, but I hope Joel wears that stupid cape forever.
AH: Assassin's Creed 2 DLC: Overpricing Issue
The new DLC pack “Sequence 12: Battle of Forli” has been released today, but don’t go buying just yet! Seem’s there’s been a mistake with the pricing, and the pack is currently costing…how much? That’s right, over 90,000! Unless you have that much cash to burn, I’d seriously suggest waiting until the pack is released…
AH: Mass Effect 2 vids
Hey everyone, I have two quick Mass Effect 2 videos for you today. The first covers the Prospector Achievement: While the second covers the Explorer Achievement: Check back soon for more videos!
RT: Gripping conclusion
I know it’s probably too much to ask, but I hope Joel wears that stupid cape forever.
AH: Assassin's Creed 2 DLC: Overpricing Issue
The new DLC pack “Sequence 12: Battle of Forli” has been released today, but don’t go buying just yet! Seem’s there’s been a mistake with the pricing, and the pack is currently costing…how much? That’s right, over 90,000! Unless you have that much cash to burn, I’d seriously suggest waiting until the pack is released…
AH: Mass Effect 2 vids
Hey everyone, I have two quick Mass Effect 2 videos for you today. The first covers the Prospector Achievement: While the second covers the Explorer Achievement: Check back soon for more videos!
AH: Mass Effect 2 Code Redemption Clarification
Hey guys Fragger here for my yearly post. I have been seeing on a few websites and forums that people are confused about the code(s) redemption process in Mass Effect 2: BIG HUGE NOTE: If you do not have your GamerTag attached to an EA account DO NOT make an EA account on the site…
AH: The Rest of 'Em
Today I bring you the last of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 videos we’ll be producing until the (eventual) DLC. A few spec ops and my last co-op achievement, “Downed but Not Out.” I hope you are as excited as I am. Up first is Wetwork! Next on to High Explosive! And your…
AH: Respawn Radio – 039: Knuckles' Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2… and some other stuff, this week as we drop some spoiler free knowledge and take questions about Mass Effect 2. Also, Knuckles gets into a bit of trouble at the end of the show and you will not want to miss the fireworks on this week’s Respawn Radio! Your Hosts Are: Lono,…