Category: Halo Waypoint
Tattoo Tuesday: Matching Legendary Tattoos
Some people show their love for Halo by playing the games. Others get a relevant image permanently placed upon their body. Enjoy this particular example of a Halo-related body modification, and if you have a picture you’d like to submit for possible fu…
Test Night with a Cartographer: 2.1.12
From AgentPaperCraft: Test Night with Crafty is a weekly event dedicated to the forgers of Waypoint as convenient means of testing content for matchmaking consideration. It is also a great way to get constructive feedback on your map variants and gam…
Soaring and Exploring – A Halo: Reach 1v1 Snipe
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New Halo-themed Forza VIP Car!
From Brian Ekberg and submitted by Kalamari: Halo fans and VIP members rejoice… and check your Forza 4 inbox! Our latest community VIP car will be rolling in to your inbox soon, featuring everyone’s favorite Spartan in a sweet Halo: Combat Evolve…
Helljumper 1 – A Fan-made Halo Web Series
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HRSotD: Jet Packs
HRSotD (short for Halo: Reach Screenshot of the Day) is a daily feature dedicated to the wonders of Halo: Reach screenshots and the artists that capture these amazing images. A variety of shots—all of which are completely unaltered and captured i…
Reach Customz: Feed the Monster
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Community Member of the Week: The Little Moa
Every Monday, we feature a community member who does one or more of the following things: routinely goes above and beyond for their fellow forum members, is a positive and active member of the community, and/or sends me mass amounts of cat pictures. Th…
Spartan Rube Goldberg Machine – A Halo: Reach Video
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Motion Comics – Now Available on the Zune Video Marketplace
If you love the art of combining elements of print comic books and animation, you’ll be excited to hear that four of our original motion comic series are now available—in all their high-definition glory, none the less—for purchase on the Zune Vide…
Last Forger Standing 2 – A Community Forge Competition Show
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Reach Weekly Challenge – 1.30.12
This week’s challenge is turning out to be a real, well, challenge! Some of us (mainly me) feel incredibly lucky to get just one multikill a game, but in order to get the large bundle of credits at the end of this particular rainbow, you…
Weekend Webcomic: Oh Fish
Weekends and webcomics go hand in hand, and there’s no better day to celebrate that relaxing ritual than on Sunday. Today’sHalo-themed Weekend Webcomic, which will undoubtedly quack you up, is brought to you by pete_the_duck. Enjoy this rather wormy st…
Waypoint Weekly Wrap-Up – 1.28.12
You’re a busy person, and we have a thing for releasing as much Halo-related content our multi-fingered appendages can handle. That means—assuming you aren’t a speed reading super-soldier—you probably missed a few stories along the way. Not…
Fails of the Weak 71
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HRSotD: World of the Inverse
HRSotD (short for Halo: Reach Screenshot of the Day) is a daily feature dedicated to the wonders of Halo: Reach screenshots and the artists that capture these amazing images. A variety of shots—all of which are completely unaltered and captured i…
How to Make Machinima, Part 4 – by CruelLEGACEY
From CruelLEGACEY: Welcome to part four of my “How to Make Machinima” guide! In my previous posts, I’ve covered the process of voice acting and sound recording, followed by storyboards and animatics, then filming. This week, we’re going to look at edi…
Friday Caption Fun 37
Last week, for our Friday Caption Fun festivities, you provided quips for an image featuring a potentially painful situation. Here are the top captions you left for that particular image! “Ouch! Charlie bit me!” -Gamerguy378″Ze top of your head…
Things to do Halo: Reach – RBI Halo
You cannot watch this video. Please Enter your Date of Birth JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 2012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012…
Office of Halo Intelligence: Part 2
Office of Halo Intelligence, or OHI for short, is a semi-regular diary-type feature brought to you by various members of the Halo 4 development team. Kiki Wolfkill, Executive Producer of Halo 4, kindly agreed to write the second entry. We hope you enjo…