My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Author: Dust Storm

  • Submit your Stuff: Multiplayer tips for Citadel

    We’re trying to blow through some episodes by the end of the year so the sooner you can get your submissions in, the sooner we can record. Today (or tomorrow), we will be doing multiplayer tips for Citadel: one of the new mythic maps. So send in your tips and comments using the […]

  • Podtacular 210: Halo Waypoint

    Download | Shownotes So the podcast that was supposed to come out two weeks ago is finally done and up. This week we address Halo Waypoint: a portal from 343 Industries to get the latest news in the Halo Universe and get the lowdown on you Halo career stats. We had a lot of […]

  • Podtacular 210: Halo Waypoint

    Download | Shownotes So the podcast that was supposed to come out two weeks ago is finally done and up. This week we address Halo Waypoint: a portal from 343 Industries to get the latest news in the Halo Universe and get the lowdown on you Halo career stats. We had a lot of […]

  • Arm the Flag 6v6 Tourney (Canceled)

    For those looking for some Halo action, the guys over at Arm the Flag is having a 6v6 tourney on December 12th. We are going to enter a team, but we need a few more people to fill out our roster. If you are interested in signing up, go visit our forums. […]

  • Podtacular 209: Callins and Tales from the Foxhole

    Download | Shownotes It’s been a while since we did a Callins and Tales show, so we decided to catch up on the huge backlog of submissions we had. We were going to have a favorite guest on for such an occasion, but plans didn’t work out too well; so GLewis and I went solo.…

  • Submissions for 210: Halo Waypoint

    Two weeks ago, 343 Industries released Halo Waypoint: a Halo portal for Xbox live and we want to know what you think about it: The career stats, the anime, other info, etc. Let us know what your favorite parts are and what you would have liked to see in it. Send in your […]

  • XBOX Live Update: Nov. 17th

    For those not in the preview program, the next XBOX Live update coming out on November 17th will include all the new features that were revealed at E3 2009. You will have Facebook, Twitter, Last.FM and Zune marketplace available for you on your XBOX. From Major Nelson: Xbox Live Update Coming Nov. 17th

  • Podtacular 208: Multiplayer Tips: Heretic

    Download | Shownotes With the latest Halo title out, everyone who isn’t dropping into firefight is probably fighting their way through online matchmaking. One of the more recent maps that have come out that is a definite fan favorite is Heretic: the remake of Midship from Halo 2. We have some good tips sent […]

  • Podtacular 207: Firefight Tips: Crater & Alpha Site

    Download | Shownotes You all have waited for this and it’s finally here: The first episode in the Firefight rotation. To start things off, we are going two of the more popular maps: Crater and Alpha Site. You sent in the tips and we got to read all of them, so listen up: there’s […]

  • ODST Achievement Guide: Headquarters

    Download I had this one done for a while, but I just haven’t posted it here yet, but here it is. This guide is for dome inspector that you get as Romeo on NMPD HQ. This one is especially fun with the Grunt Birthday Party skull when shooting grunts with the automag. Another […]

  • Submit your Stuff

    Next week’s podcast is the Callins and Tales from the Foxhole. Chuckie is taking a crack at the voicemails since our beloved Krunk has stepped down. I’m sure we’ll have some pretty crazy tales too, but make sure you get yours in for this week by using the Big Green Button on the front page.

  • Future of Podtacular

    Well, a sad day in the Podtacular history has come where the future of the community lies in the balance. Our beloved CapnKrunk has been gracious to manage the website hosting for almost three years. Now he’s facing not having a job and having to pay for the website himself, which is not an easy…

  • Submit Your Stuff

    Next week, in light of the new maps that came out, we are doing Customs and Creations, so all you forgers out there who jumped on sandbox and went “OMGWTFBBQ!”, this is your time to shine. Just use the Big Green Button to submit your stuff. Deadline is Sunday.

  • PodTV Campaign Show Site

    Well, it has been fun making this series, and it has drawn to it’s conclusion. I’ve boasted about this project to quite a few people, and I’ve been hard at work developing a site for it. So I’m please to announce all the videos are available to be viewed and downloaded on my website:…

  • Pod TV Campaign Runthrough – Cortana

    After discovering the replacement Halo, you go in search of Cortana in the flood-infested High Charity. Make your way through the flood, killing all the infected Covenant and pure forms. Make easy work of them by using flames. Once you find Cortana, you discover she still has the activation index. You must start a chain…

  • Pod TV Campaign Runthrough – The Covenant

    After discovering Truth’s plan to activate the Halos, you must breach the barrier he has activated and stop him. As you make your way to the first tower, you encounter heavy defenses that you can take out with your Spartan Laser. Make your way up to the first tower and deactivate the tower. Meanwhile, the…

  • Pod TV Campaign Runthrough – The Ark

    After heading through the portal, you are met my a fleet of brute ships. While the elites take on the brutes, you and several marines head down to some Forerunner installation trying to find a landing zone for the Dawn. After keys has landed, you make your way to the Cartographer blasting through heavy Covenant…

  • Website Downtime

    Some of you may have noticed what Podtacular has been down for two days. Please note that it was not something we did. DreamHost, our hosting provider for the site experienced a Denial of Service attack to their DNS which affected the databases that most of the sites hosted my them run off of. If…

  • Podtacular 181: Multiplayer Tips and Map of the Month: Ghost Town

    Download | Shownotes This week we take a look at the last legendary map: Ghost Town. It’s a good medium-sized map that goes well with most gametypes. GLewis is missed again, but is substituted by our very special guest: Zoom from the Cave Girls clan. Enjoy

  • Submit your Stuff

    This week, it’s the multiplayer tips show on Ghost Town. And we’re going to have some special guests this week on the show. So make sure to send stuff in using the Big Green Button and get it in before Sunday afternoon.