My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2006

  • You want to hold still.



    New art from Luke McKay – a re-imagined Brute. I wouldn’t mess with it, unless I had that gun…(Louis Wu 01:03:35 UTC)

  • TalenT’s montage



    Z, from Halo3Forums, wrote to point out TalenT’s montage, edited by Halzred. Heavy on the effects. Will almost certainly place in the top 10 in the upcoming montage contest there. 151 mb in WMP9 format. Grab a copy.(Louis Wu 00:59:06 UTC)

  • xXx talks to MLG



    Carbon’s coach, xXx, has been interviewed over at – go see why he made such a difference for them. Thanks, 3Suns.(Louis Wu 00:55:01 UTC)

  • Space Dementia, and Movies in General



    Okay, first off – we’ve got a new movie for you. It’s from Jamie98s, and it’s called Space Dementia, and it’s really quite good. Jack Walters thinks he’s ready for active duty again – but all may not be as it seems. Great effects, astoundingly high compression (so that a 15 minute 640×480 movie weighs…

  • BNL’s Bank Job



    Over at the Red vs Blue website, OboeCrazy posted a new vid (you won’t be able to read that without an RvB account) – It’s a realization of the Barenaked Ladies song ‘Bank Job’, in the Halo engine. She took a great song, and made it live – it’s a beautiful job. I have one…

  • Bungie Store Offerings



    Jonathan Rivas noticed another batch of new stuff at the Bungie Store – you can grab an H3 Laser Etched Microfiber Fleece Jacket for $50, and a ‘No Scope to the Dome’ long-sleeved T for $18. The Halo Graphic Novel and the Art of Halo books are both back in stock. What are you waiting…

  • KillerN Speaks



    KillerN was removed from the top-tier team XiT WoundZ right after their loss in Las Vegas last month – over at Amped, you can read an interview with him, getting his side of the story.(Louis Wu 16:44:09 UTC)

  • Halo fights Cancer?



    This came in yesterday, but I forgot to post it. Over at the website for the Fox affiliate in Houston, there’s an article about a doctor who’s used input from gamers to design a better sort of radiation treatment system for cancer patients – in his words, they’ve gone from “a shot gun, where we…

  • Pimples at Bungie



    The Weekly Update went up at Bungie a couple of hours ago. In it you’ll find taunting comments about Halo 3 online (Bungie/MS only for now), info about the commercial coming Monday, tidbits about what’s happening in the studio right now, and apologies for the loss of Team SWAT. Read it at – or…

  • Bungie Weekly Update

    Sometimes a busy week for us equals a slow week for you guys. This is one of those weeks, but don’t fret, there will be plenty of cool new stuff to sink your teeth into next time. A little news about Pimps, playlists and pwnage.

  • Launched!

    PraetoriaGuard has released HaloEverywhere. The premise is simple: Insert Halo content into everything you see. It’s a contest – you’ve got 60 days to come up with cool pics, and there are some nice prizes at the end – donated by Bungie, HBO and more!

  • Filled With Evil?



    Paul Maestri writes to point out Halo Heads 30 – looks like there’s a dark side to Viva Piñata…(Louis Wu 20:33:20 UTC)

  • A Wee Joke.



    You might think, from the title of today’s One One Se7en, that it pokes fun at Nintendo’s newest console. You’d be vastly overestimating Stuntmutt’s maturity level, though…(Louis Wu 16:26:31 UTC)

  • Friday’s Fan Fiction



    14 new pieces for you this week in the Fan Fiction section – check ’em out!(Louis Wu 16:11:10 UTC)

  • MLG Interviews Karma



    You can find an interview with Karma over at – go read about the guy who walked away from the Las Vegas championship with almost $40,000 in his pocket (not bad for a weekend’s work!). Thanks, 3Suns.(Louis Wu 15:36:17 UTC)

  • Halo Everywhere



    LordGideon and friends have kicked off a new site, called ‘Halo Everywhere’. The premise is simple: insert Halo content into everything you see. It’s a contest – you’ve got 30 days to come up with cool pics, and there are some nice prizes at the end (details forthcoming) – so swing by the site, check…

  • One Better.



    Boxer noticed a new Halo 3 backpack (along with some previously-discovered items) at the Bungie Store – nice grey look!(Louis Wu 14:03:26 UTC)

  • Halo 3 Beta Signups Start Monday

    I can’t see any official confirmation of this from Bungie yet, but it appears as if Microsoft sent out a press release that says there’ll be signups for the public beta of Halo 3 multiplayer on Xbox Live, and that the signup form will be at At least, so says Kotaku, Techspot,, PlanetXbox360,…

  • Halo 3 Beta Signups Start Monday

    I can’t see any official confirmation of this from Bungie yet, but it appears as if Microsoft sent out a press release that says there’ll be signups for the public beta of Halo 3 multiplayer on Xbox Live, and that the signup form will be at At least, so says Kotaku, Techspot,, PlanetXbox360,…

  • New THX soon…

    I opened the forum back up. I realized that it might be a few more days before I get my work to a place where you guys can use it. So, you can keep posting. Most likely, anything posted between now and the launch of the new site won&#…